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    #BombAssad trending updates. Strikes imminent

    Strikes are imminent today or midnight EST.
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    Making Chinese New Year national holiday in Pakistan

    Seeing that China is heavily invested in Pakistan I wanted the opinion of Pakistanis on their thoughts of having Chinese New Year as a celebration in Pakistan as an official holiday.
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    In Iran, the Innocent Is Never Free

    In Iran, the Innocent Is Never Free Iran to hang juvenile offender Saman Naseem for 'enmity against God' Iran is set to execute juvenile offender Saman Naseem, who is charged with "enmity against God" and "corruption on earth". Naseem, now 22, was arrested and sentenced to death when he was...
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    Leaked recording reveal Egypt's Sisi 'despises' Arab Gulf countries

    Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is an actor of some talent. To the revolutionary leaders in Tahrir Square, and to the youth leaders he met, he was the general who told them the army was on their side. To Egypt's first democratically elected president, he was the religiously observant officer, whose hands...
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    Kurdistan & Turkey Analysis

    Yesterday’s Enemies, Tomorrow’s Friends? Turkey now sees Kurdish control of parts of Syria and Iraq as a strategic asset When I visited Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in 2007, my host, a leading Kurdish official, asked me when Turkey was going to invade the...
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    The Kurdish Crescent on the Rise

    A future Kurdish state is inevitable; the West should support it Written by Max Bluer Since at least 2011 it has been clear that the break-up of the modern state of Iraq into its constituent ethnic territories is a distinct possibility, one only strengthened by IS and their dramatic gains...
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    Iraq's Shiite militias killed 70 civilians in Diyala

    Iraq's Shiite militias killed 70 civilians after IS rollback: Sunni leaders • Residents, sources say militias destroyed homes, mosques • Interior Ministry spokesman denies accusations • Pro-government forces recapture villages near Iran BAGHDAD: Sunni politicians and tribal chiefs from...
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    Saudi King Abdullah Buried in Simple Unmarked Grave

    Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Given Simple Muslim Burial RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — There were no golden carriages. Friday's funeral of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah was a relatively simple affair in line with the austere form of Islam practiced by one of the world's wealthiest ruling families...
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    Iran Ramps up Persecution of Sunni Muslims

    Iran is a majority Muslim country, on in which Islam is enshrined in the constitution and all laws are subject to Islamic principles. Indeed, the country's official title is the Islamic Republic of Iran. You'd think, therefore, that Iran would be a safe haven for Muslims; a nation where there...
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    Books of Qutb, AlBanna and Saroor Banned in Saudi Arabia

    The Books of the Founding Fathers of Al-Qaeda and ISIS will no longer be Preached in Saudi Arabia. All nations should start banning their books and of all of the Muslim Brotherhood members and splinter groups. Saudi Arabia warns against Muslim Brotherhood books The Ministry of Islamic...
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    'Shoot on Sight' on Saudi Borders

    Saudi border guards get shoot on sight orders Riyadh (AFP) - Saudi border guards have been given orders to shoot infiltrators on sight after three troopers were killed on the Iraqi frontier earlier this month, a spokesman said on Monday. The orders apply to guards patrolling the southern...
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    Syria’s Unspoken Crimes

    Rape is always an issue in war, but it has become a particular concern in Syria—not just as a “normal” war crime, but as a deliberate tactic to terrorize and subjugate combatants and civilians. In January, an International Rescue Committee report surveyed Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan...
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    Diyala’s Sunnis: ‘We Need Peshmarga Protection’

    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Amid a rampage of bloodshed that has ripped through Iraq and killed at least 200 people since the start of Ramadan, Sunnis in the religiously mixed and volatile Diyala province are asking the autonomous Kurds to send in their Peshmarga forces for protection. A mosque...
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    Syrian Army shelling destroys Khalid bin Walid’s(Sword of Allah) shrine

    BEIRUT: Syrian army shelling destroyed the centuries old shrine of Hazrat Khaled bin Waled in the central city of Homs on Monday, a monitoring group and activists said. "Activists from the Khaldiyeh neighbourhood in the city of Homs have reported the destruction by army shelling of the...
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    By relying on Iran, Syria's Assad risks irrelevance

    (Reuters) - Military support from Iran and its Shi'ite ally Hezbollah has given Syrian President Bashar al-Assad new impetus in his fight against the insurgents intent on ousting him, but at a price. Assad now risks losing much of his autonomy to Tehran and becoming a pawn in a wider sectarian...
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    Syria pro-regime militia 'kills 13 family members'

    BEIRUT (AFP) – A Syria pro-regime militia killed 13 members of the same family, including six children, in the Mediterranean coastal village of Bayda, a watchdog charged on Sunday. "The number of people from one family who were killed by regime forces in the village of Bayda... has risen...
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    Syria war widens rift between Shia clergy in Iraq, Iran

    The civil war in Syria is widening a rift between top Shia Muslim clergy in Iraq and Iran who have taken opposing stands on whether or not to send followers into combat on President Bashar Al-Assad's side. Competition for leadership of the Shia community has intensified since the US-led...
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    Iran-linked group claims responsibility for Bahrain car blast

    "Ashtr al-Sheraziya Brigade", which is closely linked to Iran, said it was behind a car explosion in Bahrain’s city of Riffa on Wednesday night. The blast did not claim any casualties, according to police. The incident took place at 8:30 p.m. (local time) at a parking lot near a Sunni Muslim...
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    9 Syrians 'Executed' At Regime Checkpoint Include a Child, Watchdog Says

    At least nine Syrians, including a child, were executed by regime forces at a checkpoint in Damascus province, a watchdog said on Tuesday. "Nine citizens, including a child, were shot dead by regime forces near the town of Qara, in the Qalamun area of Damascus province, yesterday (Monday)...
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    Iran: Sunni Prisoners Pressured to Falsely Confess for TV Documentary

    On the morning of June 10, eight Sunni prisoners at Rajaee Shahr Prison were asked to confess to certain actions for a documentary film, a source familiar with conditions of religious minority prisoners at the prison told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. The source said that...
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