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  1. L

    (Lack of) US Policy in the ME (as a Meme)

    Iran 1953. Operation Boot. Helps to overthrow secular nationalist Mossadegh Regime for nationalizing oil fields. It was the closest thing that Iran has experienced to an actual secular democracy. Brings back archaic Shah regime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état Iran...
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    China must see missile defense is 'live or die' for South Korea: Seoul official

    South Korean government thinks they are desperate without THAAD because of alleged nuclear weapons possessed by North Korea. They simply say this would never effect any Chinese asset. We can discuss this further but as far as I see North Korea has long been an elephant in the room for China -...
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    The United States Is Far and Away the Leader in Carbon Dioxide Emissions : Study

    The newly published synthesis of the Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is yet another reminder that to maintain a legitimate shot at avoiding warming of greater than 2 °C, greenhouse-gas emissions must be cut 40 to 70 percent by midcentury and...
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    U.S. Public Still Unconvinced on Climate Change

    Fewer U.S. citizens consider climate change to be a "serious threat" compared to two years ago, even as scientific evidence demonstrates that the problem has become increasingly severe, according to a recent nationwide public opinion poll. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press...
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    LA gas leak: worst in US history spewed as much pollution as 600,000 cars

    A natural gas leak in the mountains above Los Angeles was one of the worst accidental discharges of greenhouse gases in US history. A new study shows the months-long disaster resulted in 97,100 metric tonnes of methane being dumped into the atmosphere. The analysis shows that the leak from the...
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    Preterm Births Linked to Air Pollution Cost Billions in the U.S.

    Affected populations tend to be concentrated in low-income areas home to large numbers of minorities Air pollution leads to 16,000 premature births in the United States each year, leading to billions of dollars in economic costs, according to newresearch. Researchers behind the study...
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    Air pollution hurting U.S. plant diversity, CU scientists find

    Air pollution is hurting plant life across North America, diminishing species diversity and may have reached a tipping point. New research led by University of Colorado scientists — based on investigations of plant diversity at 15,000 forest, woodland, shrub land and grassland sites — found...
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    Single US oilfield raises global level of pollutant ethane by 2%: Study

    ANN ARBOR—A single U.S. shale oil field is responsible for much of the past decade's increase in global atmospheric levels of ethane, a gas that can damage air quality and impact climate, according to new study led by the University of Michigan. The researchers found that the Bakken Formation...
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    US air Pollution taints Canadian air

    Wayne County, Mich., is a throwback to the days of heavy Detroit manufacturing. It's a place where things are made, the furnace in which North America's automotive industry was forged. More than 180 industrial businesses, including stamping plants, assembly lines and oil refineries still...
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    Divine intervention? Indian Hindus ask gods to help Trump

    NEW DELHI (AP) — Donald Trump may find it tough to get Republican leaders behind his campaign, but he's got some faraway fans trying to get the gods on his side. Around a dozen members of a right-wing Indian Hindu group lit a ritual fire and chanted mantras Wednesday asking the Hindu gods to...
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    Silencing a Whistle-Blower, Gladio B and the Origins of ISIS

    It's a very good read that points out a recent discussion about Turkey's Islamisation. It's about how certain parties in US government supports and nurtures Islamic terrorists just to create a reason for war and intervention. Sibel Edmonds is from Turkey and she worked for FBI for a brief period...
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    Chinese Intellectual Kang You Wei and Ottoman Modernization

    It's a dry academic peace but I loved it a lot. I hope you guys will enjoy too.. Kang You Wei a Chinese scholar travels to Ottoman empire and see a lot of resemblances. Also he points out historical similarities and even claims similar bloodlines. There are also some linguistic concepts...
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    A China bank crisis? Not so fast, Deutsche Bank says

    Prominent hedge fund manager Kyle Bass' call that a China banking crisis is imminent is already getting push-back, with Deutsche Bank calling it unlikely and exaggerated. "We think the article basically referred to a hard-landing scenario, for which our economist only assigns 20 percent...
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    China ‘deserves more credit’ for renewable energy effort

    China should be given more credit for its investment in clean electricity, the head of the International Energy Agency says. Maria van der Hoeven says most people think that China is frantically building coal-fired power stations. The reality, she says, is that China is spending as much as the...
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    Can Chinese System be the Ultimate Solution Against Radical Islam?

    Starting from the Soviet military campaign on Afghanistan there is a surge in radical and militant Islamic ideologies and groups. After more than a decade long battle between the Western powers and radical Islamist groups there is no sign of weakening on the latter side. On contrary, invasion...
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    Hindu Mahasabha head speaks to Firstpost: Godse was a 'martyr' and 'patriot'

    Why praising a person who is clearly a criminal who killed one of the most influential political figure of 20th century. Killer of Gandhi should not be exonerated. All the Asia, including Japan, are electing populist, chauvinists like Modi, Abe, Erdoğan etc. and forgeting their glorious and...
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    Does Modi wants China as an Antagonist in Indian National Myth?

    Recently I've started a thread in Far East section about India-China relations. The main thesis was, both nations has a lot of common struggles and cultural roots which makes any confrontation between two powers extremely superficial. However I've seen that even the topic's main theme was that...
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    China and India : Brothers at Odds Who Shared the Same Destiny?

    I have watched a remarkable TED talk and I wanted to share it with you. The speaker, Hans Rpsling, is a Swedish MD. He visits India as a guest student during his university education and he experiences a great revelation about the East. In Sweden he is one of the top students in his class, yet...
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    It’s not the Chinese economy that’s on life support

    I've read a great article today and I want to share it here. As a short summary : Chinese economy has a short term and a long term problem. Short term problem is as we've discussed with @LeveragedBuyout months earlier the damage of the stimulus packages are creating some stress on short term...
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    So Much for the Tech Espionage Narrative? - Chinese Professor Clears his Name for Alleged Espionage

    First, let's start with some background information. Xi Xiaoxing is a physics professor in Temple University. He has a very good academic career, making key research in very notable areas like superconductivity. One day he collaborates with a Chinese peer, and the next day he finds himself being...
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