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  1. J

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    My Hindu friend told me that Hinduism is actually Monotheism in disguise and that all deities in Hinduism are just a form of the one supreme being. He sent me this link as well. Is Hinduism Polytheistic or Monotheistic? | One, God, Hinduism, Supreme, Forms If this is the case then what is the...
  2. J

    Life of Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan.

    We hear a lot of stories about how Sikhs and Hindus live in Pakistan like this: UNITED SIKHS Hindu girl rescued in Pakistan, four kidnappers killed But can Pakistani members enlighten us on how minorities actually live in Pakistan. Can they reach the higher tiers of Pakistani society or will...
  3. J

    Bangalore: IT capital of South Asia

    BBC News - Bangalore: India's IT hub readies for the digital future The poster child of India's globalisation, Bangalore is where the country's IT industry began its dramatic success story. Once known for its lush farmlands, it's now home to some of the best international and domestic...
  4. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    There are significant minorities of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir so why should only Muslims decide the fate of Kashmir. I highly doubt that the minorities in Kashmir want to join Pakistan or have an independant country. I think the logic of most Kashmir secessionist...
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