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  1. EasyNow

    14 killed, more than 70 injured in attack on churches

    Lahore: Fourteen people were killed and more than 70 injured when two Taliban suicide bombers attacked churches in Pakistan’s Lahore on Sunday, sparking mob violence in which two other suspected militants died. Up to 4,000 Christians later took to the streets of the eastern city, many armed...
  2. EasyNow

    British Bangladeshi Jihadi arrested for recruiting for ISIS in Dhaka

    London cab controller arrested as ‘Isil agent’ in Bangladesh Samiun Rahman, 24, is accused of travelling from London to Syria and Bangladesh, allegedly recruiting jihadists to fight for Islamic State An East London taxi operator ran a Bangladesh terrorist cell recruiting jihadists to join...
  3. EasyNow

    Al Qaida No 3's diary declassified: Abu Zubaydah's journey from student to mujahedeen

    Al Jazeera has managed to get hold of the diary of ex-AQ number 3 in charge Abu Zubaydah. Who is currently held at Gitmo. These diaries formed the basis of a large part of the CIA's intelligence on AQ. It is definitely worth a read, as it covers a period of nearly 10 years across 6 volumes and...
  4. EasyNow

    Extremism - a problem of the brain?

    Dear all, I wrote this piece on the spur of the moment so please forgive any small errors. I don't claim to be right and I don't claim to be scientifically irrefutable. This is just an hypothesis that I am putting forward and I wonder what other people's views / experiences are...
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