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    Why Japan Will Never Be a Permanent Member of UNSC

    Why Japan Will Never Be a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council | The National Interest Blog Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent tour of South America, Central America and the Caribbean has been characterized by the international media as an attempt to match—if not outdo—Chinese...
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    China Navy development from 2001-2017

    In 2001, some US naval analyst named Bernard Cole said in his book "Great Wall at Sea." "The PLAN is a long way from being the dominant naval power in East Asia, however, even apart from the U.S. maritime presence, the JMSDF is certainly superior to the PLAN, and the ROKN would be a very...
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    White Guy Tells How China Really is

    Eye opener for people who has never been to China. Basic Summary: -White guy lived in China for 8 years, has a good life, a wife, ect. -Makes video on youtube showing how China really is (or the way he sees it) -China looks pretty modern, has advance subways, and luxuries that 1st world enjoys...
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