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  1. Salahuddin Ayubi

    Uri - The outcome and takeaways?

    Let's objectively analyse the outcomes and takeaways from the Uri episode, vis-a-vis the following: 1) KFF's revival and capabilities; 2) Indian occupying forces' abilities; 3) Indian Government's and Military's reaction (claims and rhetoric); 4) National Investigation Agency's findings...
  2. Salahuddin Ayubi

    China supports Pakistan's stand on Kashmir - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

    China attaches great importance to Pakistan's position on Kashmir By Azim M. MianPosted on: 43 minutes ago NEW YORK: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UNGA here on Wednesday. The Chinese premier said China hoped that there will be a better...
  3. Salahuddin Ayubi

    Nawaz Sharif and the General Assembly

    What do you PAKISTANIs, want to hear NS saying at the GS? Kulbashan Yadav RAW's cross-border terrorism in Pakistan Kashmir Water dispute Arms' Race CPEC ? ?
  4. Salahuddin Ayubi

    Qs: When is DG ISI's term ending?

    Chief's term ends in November. What about DG ISI's term?
  5. Salahuddin Ayubi

    US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies

  6. Salahuddin Ayubi

    Trade with India - To Do or Not To Do

    There are two (or maybe more) opinions here: 1) We, Pakistan, should not trade and be the source of any benefit to the one who is directly and indirectly responsible for killing and injuring of thousands of Pakistanis including children, women, men and armed forces personnel. 2) We should...
  7. Salahuddin Ayubi


    PAKISTAN AND PAKISTANIS MUST UNDERSTAND THIS | Important, Please Read As a patriotic Pakistani, son of the soil and humble servant of Lord Almighty, I would like to share my views with fellow brethren, be they from any part of the world having any nationality. I have been observing...
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