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    Mind-boggling “Cricket World Records” by Pakistan

    Pakistan Cricket have suffered major “lows” in last 5 years due to their notorious acts but they are like a vagabond who irritates the street with his loud and notorious acts but, once he is gone, a part of you always miss him. They truly have been a soul of this game. In every...

    Million $ Question

    Salaam-a-likum Dear fellow countrymen have a question in my mind but before putting it down would like to brief upon something’s in order for all of you to understand the question well & reply back on it. Most of you will agree with me that for the general public in Pakistan their worst...

    Universal Truth ( An Eye Opner ) ....

    Dear Brothers, Pls go through this link http://imranhosein.org/media/books/ivgmmw.pdf & read the whole file till the end InshAllah I am sure each & every 1 of you will come to know the truth & InshAllah will come on the right path. Its a long pdf file but my brothers its worth reading...
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