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  1. Talwar e Pakistan

    The genetically closest modern population groups to the ancient Gandharans: Barikot Discoveries

    In 2017, DNA samples were extracted from Gandharan burial mounds found in Barikot, Swat dating back to the Iron Age. The results were recently released following analysis. Utilizing admixture modeling tools, the genetic distance between these samples and modern sample groups were measured. Here...
  2. Talwar e Pakistan

    Kabul Taliban: Spies, militants and a mysterious assassination

    The fatal shooting of two men in the heart of the Afghan capital Kabul - a city unfortunately used to violence - went almost unnoticed. But then, the dead men had hoped to go unnoticed: according to one source, they were both carrying fake IDs. Exactly what they were doing in Kabul, and who...
  3. Talwar e Pakistan

    Head of a Gandharan Man, North-West Pakistan, 2nd Century CE

    This superb sculpture depicts a bearded Gandharan man, possibly a great warrior or nobleman. Interestingly, his turban is surmounted by a lion spewing strings of pearls, the lion symbolizes strength and bravery while the strings of pearls symbolize abundance of wealth. He hails from the country...
  4. Talwar e Pakistan

    Traditional Pakistani Archery: Now and Then

    As the battle-hardened Macedonians poured through the Khyber Pass, bloodily defeating the valiant tribes that stood to stop them, they encountered a new and fearsome weapon: the Heavy Longbow and it’s devastating piercing capability as detailed by the famed Greek historian Arrian of Nicomedia...
  5. Talwar e Pakistan

    Head of a Noble Lady, Rokhri Pakistan, 4th-6th century CE

    This artifact, found in Rokhri District Mianwali, Punjab, depicts a youthful noble lady with a lavish golden headpiece and an intricate hairstyle. A portion of her hair is curled and dyed with henna, a practice that still continues in parts of Pakistan. This artwork shows influence from...
  6. Talwar e Pakistan

    Altaf Hussain on Indian Media

  7. Talwar e Pakistan

    Could anyone translate this?

    It is a small segment of a family tree of my friend that goes back to at-least 1,000 years and is extremely intriguing, I will post more soon but currently I am studying this part; I can pick out some names but my Nastaliq is not that strong, especially with this handwriting. If anyone could...
  8. Talwar e Pakistan

    Best reply to "Mauka Mauka"

  9. Talwar e Pakistan

    Tehrik e Hikmat Discord Server

    This server aims to provide a platform for like-minded individuals to discuss various topics on Pakistan, among many other fields and to house the Pakistani Discord community along with those interested in our community. Our goal is to set a standard of beliefs and values that can further unify...
  10. Talwar e Pakistan

    Armed Forces of Pakistan - ArmA Mod

    My friend made this mod for Arma III and the amount of work he spent on detailing and emphasis on realism is just amazing! https://www.facebook.com/ArmAPakistan/?ref=settings&_rdc=1&_rdr Here is some of the content:
  11. Talwar e Pakistan

    The State of our Parliament

  12. Talwar e Pakistan

    Video of the two pilots that ejected

    You can see that one of the pilots deployed their parachute very late, which suggests he may have been injured and it affected his response time, he may have also faced further injuries due to the rough landing caused by the delay. The other pilot who can be seen way above, is the one that...
  13. Talwar e Pakistan

    Kashmiri elder refutes Indian claims of Pakistani shelling

    They have been embarrassing themselves for the past two weeks, when will it stop! :rofl:
  14. Talwar e Pakistan

    Anyone from Muzaffarabad?

    I know there are many members here from Muzaffarabad, some reported the noise of jets, but did anyone from Muzaffarabad hear explosives? Is there any sign of such? Indian media is claiming that they apparently hit Muzaffarabad.
  15. Talwar e Pakistan

    Casualties in Siachen

    I don't know much about the background; but the videos are recent.
  16. Talwar e Pakistan

    General Razik hid BLA terrorists for years (Are we just going to ignore this? )

    It was a good hit, but branches will always grow back - when will we strike the root? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/27/world/asia/pakistan-baluch-afghanistan-bombing.html
  17. Talwar e Pakistan

    Geo-economics of CPEC

    Interesting video.
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