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  1. Samudra Manthan

    The Myth of Hindu Terror

    IN 2009, ACCORDING to WikiLeaks, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had told the then US Ambassador to India, Timothy Roemer, that “the bigger threat [than Islamic terrorism] may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim...
  2. Samudra Manthan

    Why India is a Nation

    Introduction One of the oft-repeated urban myths that sometimes pops-up in conversation even among many educated, well meaning Indians is that India as a nation is a British creation. The argument goes roughly as follows – India is an artificial entity. There are only a few periods in history...
  3. Samudra Manthan

    The Alternate Universe That The Indian Old Media Lives In

    The proverbial impartial Martian landing on Indian soil would be astonished at the alternative universe that has been constructed by the radical leftists and old media (especially the English language media). He, of course, would not suspect that the deep state, Chinese and other handlers feed...
  4. Samudra Manthan

    The top 10 foods with the biggest environmental footprint

    When you bite into a hamburger or slice into some salmon, do you think about the impact it had on the environment on its way to you? Well, maybe you should. Climate change is getting real, and agriculture is one of the largest sources of heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as methane and...
  5. Samudra Manthan

    It is time for Arabs to take off their hats to Indians!

    To all conceited and arrogant Arabs who take pride in the glorious history of Arab civilization, it is time you took off your hats to Indians after having treated them with discrimination and having looked down upon them for decades. Indians today run America and the world. While the US imports...
  6. Samudra Manthan

    My father the whistleblower and the mystery of Netaji's treasure

    Important historical documents in India are not easy to come by. We are a country where even declassified material of any significance is ignored or forgotten, while inconsequential official letters are routinely marked ‘Confidential’. At the same time, policemen can arrest journalists (as...
  7. Samudra Manthan

    The man who shook the terrorists: Let us salute Kashmir's brave son

    The killing of sub-inspector Altaf Ahmed in Jammu and Kashmir is a major blow for counter terrorism operations. The officer who had mastered the art of tracking terrorists was shot dead by a Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorist at Bandipore. Ahmed along with his colleagues were on a covert mission at...
  8. Samudra Manthan

    Does The New York Times have an India Problem

    A look at three India-based op-eds published over the past 18 months. The New York Times’ (NYT) public editor recently wondered if the news organisation has a “Hillary Problem”. The article was referring to how NYT has trouble reporting accurately on Hillary Clinton. On reading NYT stories...
  9. Samudra Manthan

    Welcome to the battlefield! - Rajiv Malhotra has a rejoinder to Andrew Nicholson

    Dear Andrew Nicholson I am glad you have entered the battlefield so we can get into some substantial matters. Since this is an extended article, I want to go about it systematically, starting with the following clarifications: I used your work with explicit references 30 times in Indra’s Net...
  10. Samudra Manthan

    Architects of “Hindu terror” are nervous

    Architects of “Hindu terror” are nervous | Canary Trap BY RSN SINGH It is now more than six years since Lt Col Srikant Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya have been incarcerated in prison without charge sheet. The previous dispensation, motivated solely by vote-bank politics, labeled them as Hindu...
  11. Samudra Manthan


    This is a wonderfully happy documentary on our Rajasthani Gypsies. Unlike the dreadful condescending poverty porns produced by our liberals and the likes of BBC this documentary just allows the Gypsies/Banjaras to express themselves the way they are. If you look at the comment section, there...
  12. Samudra Manthan

    'Modi has set right his and India's image abroad'

    ‘To see editors calling themselves great intellectuals saying what Rahul Gandhi says, speaks of their credibility’ ‘You take any measure by Narendra Modi; it is not intended for today’s results; the result will be permanent’ ‘What Modi has achieved in 365 days in terms of India’s strategic...
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