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    Afghanistan: Which Foot Forward now

    Obama's 'Afghanisation' strategy and the Taliban M K Bhadrakumar The Pakistanis use an earthy metaphor when they want to put their American interlocutors on the defensive. They complain that the United States used Pakistan like a condom, simply discarded it when it is no longer useful...
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    Low Level

    Alright Flyboys here we go: :cheesy: *****!! how do you post utube videos??
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    PROUD to be POOR

    By eastwatch: Originally Posted by eastwatch As I said before, nobody in his right mind will go for work in India unless he/she is lured by the sweet talking brokers. You better catch the brokers, then no one from BD will go to honey-soaked India. In case of illegal immigrants from...
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    Balls of steel

    A REQUIEM FOR THE DAMNED One of the key poignant moments that bring you to a standstill comes in the thoughts of one of our brothers Al- zakir that puzzles him: 'How could army allow such unfair move when he is one of their own?' Though our friend khabib does adequately answer that condition...
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    THIS LOOKS QUITE INTERESTING. IT SEEMS LIKE OUR MUA's QISSA. I AM STILL IN THE PROCESS OF READING IT - WHY DON'T YOU JOIN ME. Image : antiqueprints.com/ From Palasy to Bangabhavan: A Drama on U Ahs Selling Bangladesh Monday July 20 2009 22:16:46 PM BDT By Abid Bahar ...
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    The Profiles of an Exit Strategy+

    A LETTER TO PRESIDENT MUSHARRAF Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim PRESIDENT PERVEZ MUSHARRAF Mr. President Sir, Assalaam O Alaikum, Your mailing address was sent to me by my brother, who wished that I write to you regarding my father’s entitlement to 33 or so acres of land committed by...
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