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  1. Jacob Martin

    Is Mob Justice a New Law of the Land?

    Is Mob Justice a New Law of Land? Angry Crowd Takes Another Life in Jharkhand By Surabhi Shaurya | Updated:Fri, June 30, 2017 11:35am No society allow mob to rule over law and order in state. New Delhi: Putting a nation of over a billion people to shame, yet another case of mob justice hit the...
  2. Jacob Martin

    Mystery of CPEC Payments

    The latest quarterly report by the State Bank of Pakistan points out an intriguing development regarding the payments connected with CPEC projects. This year, the gap between import recorded by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) and the State Bank has widened to a historic high. The report...
  3. Jacob Martin

    Turkey's Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely on the streets' if diplomatic row continues

    https://www.google.co.in/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-erdogan-germany-netherlands-warning-europeans-not-walk-safely-a7642941.html%3Famp Turkey's Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely on the streets' if diplomatic row continues It comes after German Chancellor...
  4. Jacob Martin

    Mourning the Turkey that once was

    ‘Banned from our own lives’: Intellectuals mourn the Turkey that once was Turkey's authoritarian regime has ruined the lives of many intellectuals and opponents of the regime. Resisting, even softly, is an act of survival. by Çağla Aykaç, The Conversation Published Yesterday · 11:30 pm KAYHAN...
  5. Jacob Martin

    Brand Management

    Brand management Irfan Husain — Updated about 6 hours ago MILITARY power is relatively easy to measure by counting the number of soldiers, tanks, planes, ships, etc. Economic might is quantified by readily available data on exchange rate, GDP, productivity, and so on. But how do we measure...
  6. Jacob Martin

    The Coming Debt Bust

    The Economist The coming debt bust It is a question of when, not if, real trouble will hit in China May 7th 2016 | From the print edition CHINA was right to turn on the credit taps to prop up growth after the global financial crisis. It was wrong not to turn them off again. The country’s...
  7. Jacob Martin

    Nepal to amend Constitution to Satisfy Madhesis, India welcomes move

    NEW DELHI: India on Monday welcomed the big political breakthrough in Nepal, setting the stage for return to normalcy in the Himalayan nation with the lifting of a blockade on goods from India imposed by Madhesi protesters. After resisting for months, the K P Sharma Oli government on Sunday...
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