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  1. H

    Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

    https://apnews.com/article/electric-vehicles-china-subsidies-europe-investigation-4f00df1c7588ca375efebb89a2b83783 Imagine telling someone 5 years ago that Chinese cars will invade and threaten Western automakers. Imagine 10 years ago telling people Huawei will threaten Apple and Chinese...
  2. H

    Smallest transistor created by China. ONE ATOM THICK

    https://spectrum.ieee.org/smallest-transistor-one-carbon-atom Now scientists in China have created a transistor using graphene and molybdenum disulfide with a gate length of just 0.34 nm by exploiting the vertical aspect of the device. “We have realized the world’s smallest gate-length...
  3. H

    Cambodia was a covid success story and using Chinese vaccines

    I just realuse something, Cambodia was almost vaccinated entirely by Sinovac vaccines and had very low mortality. But people say Chinese vaccines don't work. Indonesia using Chinese vaccines had less death than US or India.
  4. H

    Russia coincidently also have 300bil$ worth of Western owned asset to be frozen

    Medvedev also pointed out that there is about over $300 billion worth of foreign assets frozen in Russia, calling it a “happy coincidence” and adding that it would be enough to recompense Russia for what might be “stolen” from it. Lol, you have to give it to the Russians. They won the war in...
  5. H

    China's Hollow Military

    CHINA'S HOLLOW MILITARY How good is China’s military, and how much should the United States care? There are ample grounds for addressing these questions. In 1995, and then again in 1996, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) splashed missiles off the Taiwanese coast. It also reinforced military...
  6. H

    Tesla bringing its China engineers to boost the California factory output

    Tesla will be dispatching about 200 of its employees from China to California in order to retool its old factory in Fremont for the increasingly complex production tasks it is facing. Tesla's Fremont plant is the only place that makes all electric car models that Tesla is currently selling...
  7. H

    Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

    https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/20/biden-pelosi-trip-taiwan-china-military-00047031 Biden on Pelosi trip to Taiwan: ‘The military thinks it's not a good idea’ The confused messaging has her visit up in the air. The Americans are taking our warnings seriously apparently. I remember they...
  8. H

    Russia has got 200bil$ foreign debt!

    Russia has got 210bil$ in external debt https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.DOD.PVLX.CD?locations=RU Around 300bil$ Russian reserves are frozen. So there is a 100bil$ shortfall. But don't forget foreign companies own alot of Russian equity and those can be nationalised. Russia had been...
  9. H

    Fauci suggests India follow China model in controlling virus

    https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3131906/india-can-learn-chinas-experience-fighting-covid-19-says-top India could learn from China’s disease control playbook in fighting its Covid-19 surge, according to US presidential medical adviser Anthony Fauci. Fauci offered advice on how...
  10. H

    Yuyue will sell 18000 oxygen machines to India

    Shares of Yuyue Medical Equipment and Supply soared after Indian medical facilities placed orders for up to 18,000 oxygen concentrators with the Chinese medical devices leader in recent days. Nanjing-based Yuyue Medical [SHE: 002223] soared by the 10 percent trading limit today before ending...
  11. H

    Samsung exports phone from China using Chinese ODM

    http://www.thelec.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=1357 Samsung restarts smartphone ODM operations. Due to their plumetting sales in China, they closed down their local assembly and instead now uses Chinese ODMs for export.
  12. H

    Coronavirus was on many continents before Wuhan outbreak, Chinese team says

    https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3111545/coronavirus-was-many-continents-wuhan-outbreak-chinese-team-says Wuhan outbreak, Chinese team says Paper by Chinese researchers says a strain can be traced to eight countries from four continents before the Wuhan outbreak First human...
  13. H

    China made provocative military attempts to change status quo in Pangong Tso Lake: MEA

    https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/china-made-provocative-military-manoeuvres-to-change-status-quo-in-pangong-tso-lake-mea-1717517-2020-09-01?utm_content=&utm_term=&__twitter_impression=true They went in sneakily and occupied some heights and used floodlights and megaphones to deter...
  14. H

    Fire kills 11 patients in southern India's COVID-19 facility

    Fire kills 11 patients in southern India's COVID-19 facility August 9, 2020 (Mainichi Japan) Rescuers in protective suits carry the body of a victim from Hotel Swarna Palace where a fire broke out early morning in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh state, India, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020.(AP Photo)...
  15. H

    Ex-NSA Menon: China learnt that as long as India wins the propaganda war, they can make real gains

    https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-china-ties-will-be-reset-after-lac-stand-off-says-former-nsa-shivshankar-menon/article32049764.ece/amp/ 'So, frankly, [China] learned the lesson that as long as the Indian [government] could walk away with a propaganda victory, they could actually...
  16. H

    The largest airstrip in Aksai Chin is the G219

    I just realised the highway along the border is expressway grade. That's the largest airstrip there. No wonder China do not need a lot of air bases.
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