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  1. R

    Bangladesh leaves India behind in GDP growth

    Politics | Bangladesh leaves India behind in GDP growth The high industrial growth achieved by Bangladesh can be attributed to an openness to foreign investment and improving the ease of doing business. This is in contrast to the policy situation prevailing in India marked by a degree of...
  2. R

    Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

    At least someone is speaking out.
  3. R

    Police raid CGTN Africa, arrest foreign staff over work permits

    https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2018/09/05/video-police-raid-cgtn-africa-arrest-foreign-staff-over-work-permits_c1813974 "...Plainclothes officers stormed the offices around 1 pm on Wednesday in an operation believed to be targeting illegal immigrants without work permits. The company said...
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    In bluntest ever remarks, US talks up India to counter China

    In bluntest ever remarks, US talks up India to counter China - Times of India http://toi.in/r_bsPZ/a29mj Calling the United States and India "two bookends of stability on either side of the globe," the Trump administration on Wednesday bluntly proposed that Washington and New Delhi work...
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