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    Featured How Pakistan helped NASA in Apollo Program

    Pakistan became first country in south Asia to launch a rocket in space with the help of NASA in 1962. In 1961 NASA needed weather data over South Asia for Apollo mission Pakistani scientists Dr Abdul Salam and Dr Tariq Mustafa were invited to NASA headquarters NASA told them they needed...
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    Which country will the USA invade next?

    After the exit from Afghanistan on Sept 11 2021 which country do you think the US would be more likely to invade next? Russia China Iran? North korea Syria? Pakistan? Or Any South American country Or Any african country?
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    India: Mounting Human Rights Abuses

    India: Mounting Human Rights Abuses Growing Crackdown on Peaceful Dissent; Marginalized Groups Targeted (New York) – The Indian government’s unilateral actions in Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019 caused enormous suffering and rights violations of the Kashmiri population, Human Rights Watch...
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    India Failing on Kashmiri Human Rights

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    India 5th most dangerous country

    Spectator Index declares India 5th Most Dangerous Country of World https://www.google.com/amp/s/arynews.tv/en/spectator-index-declares-india-5th-most-dangerous-country-world/amp/
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    Scenes from Kashmir under Indian illegal Occupation

    Kashmir after lockdown in photos. 1 million Indian army illegally occupying and suppressing poor kashmiris.
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