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  1. Agha Sher

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    Reports are coming in - mass retreat by army towards the airport
  2. Agha Sher

    US Stock Investments

    Hi Y'all! Thought we could use a thread for stock investment recommendations, as quite a few people seem interested in that. I've recently invested in SRAC and SPCE for the following reasons. What stocks do you believe in will grow rapidly in 2021?
  3. Agha Sher

    Erdogan: The Turkish Nation will receive very good news on Friday.

    What could it be? Oil/Gas discovery? F-35?
  4. Agha Sher

    Coup in Mali [Ongoing!]

    Several military convoys have been seeing moving towards the capital of Mali. A coup declaration has also been broadcasted via. national television networks. Mali has seen extensive demonstrations against the current government and the involvement of France in the country. Seems like the...
  5. Agha Sher

    Removal of Israeli flag from PDF

    This motion is seeking the removal of the Israeli flag from Pakistan Defence Forum. Pakistan does not recognize Israel as a country, as such, an Israeli flag should not be an option on a Pakistani domain either. I suggest either the complete removal of the Israeli flag or its replacement with a...
  6. Agha Sher

    Increasing tensions in the Aegean

    Yesterday Turkey declared its intention to conduct seismic studies with Oruc Reis in an area which Greece considers it's national waters. Today the semi-official Turkish military channel "Clash Report" started to question the continued validity of the Lausanne Treaty, given Greece's...
  7. Agha Sher

    Operation Spring Shield: How Turkey annihilated an Arab army in 4 days

    Noteworthy, The operation was carried out with minimum effort by the Turks in an environment with multiple enemy air defence assets. These are not nearly all the drone strikes conducted during the operation as most have not been released yet by Clash Report. Who is next? Egypt?
  8. Agha Sher

    GNA launches attack on Sirte-Jufra

    The offensive has started. Egypt's response will be interesting to observe.
  9. Agha Sher

    ISIS continues to haunt Egyptian Army in Sinai

    Maybe Sisi is focusing too much on the western border.
  10. Agha Sher

    NATO declares support for GNA in Libya.

    In an extremely important and decisive development, NATO has declared its willingness to support GNA in Libya. Effectively, this is the end for Haftar and his french, greek, egyptian and emirati backers.
  11. Agha Sher

    Why Japan's formidable navy is considered the best in Asia

    A very informative video of Japan's powerful navy. With the recent defence spending increases of Japan, this navy is set to become even deadlier as F-35B in considerable numbers will be inducted.
  12. Agha Sher

    Ban chinese troll accounts opening dozens of useless threads a day.

    Dear Mods, Lately, PDF has become a dumpster for totally useless propaganda threads opened by a few chinese propaganda accounts (obviously paid by the ccp). One single account often opens a dozen threads about china or related matters, with absolutely no importance for anything. They are...
  13. Agha Sher

    Indian Mi-17 force-lands in Sikkim

    Mi-17 helicopter of IAF with six people on board force-lands in Sikkim Sikkim: An Indian Air Force (IAF) chopper made a force-landing in a field, 10 nautical miles away from Sikkim's Mukutang, on Thursday after it encountered technical issues. The Mi-17 helicopter was on a routine air...
  14. Agha Sher

    Civil uprising in Kashmir

    The Kashmiri youth have revolted against the occupiers. Intense clashes between Kashmiri youths and Indian terrorists. Many civilians injured! Note, the doors of the military vehicle are open. The soldiers inside are most likely seriously injured or dead.
  15. Agha Sher

    Breaking! Assadists attack destroys Turkish bulldozers in Idlib

    This comes a day after Erdogan warned them about ceasefire violations!
  16. Agha Sher

    Status on Hamza 6x6

    I just watched a presentation video on Hamza 6x6 from 2018 and wondered whether it had been inducted into PA? If so, how many and what is the production rate. Cheers!
  17. Agha Sher

    Breaking! 3 Indian soldiers killed & many injured in IoK

    Update! As of now, 3killed and many injured. Several injuries are critical.
  18. Agha Sher

    Tunisia joins Haftar's side in the Libyan conflict

    Tunisia seems to have accepted billions of dollars from UAE in return of supporting Haftar in the conflict. Earlier, the MoD of Tunisia equated Haftar and GNA as equally responsible for the ceasefire violations. Turkey has been very generous to Tunisia with lucrative drone deals and TOT...
  19. Agha Sher

    Muslims Families Driven out From Punjab Villages

    Another unacceptable development in that dirty Hindu country! ---- HOSHIARPUR – Several children, women and men on Wednesday continued to hide themselves in the Swan riverbed, without food for three days now, on the Punjab side of the state’s marshy borders with Himachal Pradesh. They were...
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