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  1. MKALE1

    RAMJET powered AA missile GOKHAN in development

    Defence Minister AKAR , RAMJET powered AA missile GOKHAN in development
  2. MKALE1

    Could the cooperation be made with Iran to frustrate the plans of the Saudi Gulf kingdom?

    Although we have some problems with Iran in Syria. The main and greater threat to Turkey is the Gulf countries, which support the PKK in Syria and Iraq, and support Turkish enemies in Egypt and Libya and also support feto-based media organs many platform. They are also in a big black propaganda...
  3. MKALE1

    Funny thing about Lozan :)

    İsmet kim ki, komedi gibi galip geldiğimiz savaşın anlaşmasının tarihi değişmiş ama "galip" devlete haber verilmemiş. Neresinden didiklesen komedi akıyor.
  4. MKALE1

    TRNC president Akıncı made treacherous statements.

    https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-51429351 AKP'den Kuzey Kıbrıs lideri Akıncı'ya tepki: 'Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne karşı yaptığı saygısızlıktan dolayı özür dilemelidir' Telif hakkıGETTY IMAGES Image captionKuzey Kıbrıs lideri Mustafa Akıncı AKP Sözcüsü Ömer Çelik, Kuzey Kıbrıs lideri...
  5. MKALE1

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    I felt the need to open this chapter in order to follow the developments in Libya quickly. Turkey has given a support to Libya’s Tripoli-based government, supplying it with armed drones that have carried out a series of air strikes on the besieging eastern forces of General Khalifa Haftar...
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