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  1. smooth manifold

    Behind the blitz: Falun Gong practitioners spend millions on Shen Yun ads. How do they do it?

    https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Behind-the-blitz-Falun-Gong-practitioners-spend-14966684.php The image is likely hanging on your doorknob as you read this. And popping up on your Facebook feed. When you glance up from your phone, there it is again — on a billboard, a bus or the...
  2. smooth manifold

    NYT: Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities Into an Army of Workers

    https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20191231/china-xinjiang-muslims-labor/dual/ KASHGAR, China — The order from Chinese officials was blunt and urgent. Villagers from Muslim minorities should be pushed into jobs, willing or not. Quotas would be set and families penalized if they refused to go along...
  3. smooth manifold

    US based Human Rights Watch chief denied entry to Hong Kong

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world/asia/china The head of US-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) says he has been denied entry to Hong Kong, where he had been planning to launch a report focusing on China's "assault" on human rights. HRW said the move to block Kenneth Roth highlighted "vanishing...
  4. smooth manifold

    China, Pakistan launch 6th joint naval exercise

    China and Pakistan launched a joint naval exercise on Monday in Karachi, a coastal city in Pakistan, according to the People's Liberation Army. The nine-day "Sea Guardians 2020" exercise was organized to strengthen security cooperation, enhance and develop the nations' strategic partnership...
  5. smooth manifold

    China's foreign exchange reserves rise

    China's foreign exchange reserves rose to a six-month high of nearly $3.11 trillion as of the end of December, supported by stronger exports and stable capital inflows amid the financial opening-up, according to regulators on Tuesday. Reserves increased by 1.1 percent over 2018 and were up by...
  6. smooth manifold

    China conducts Antarctic survey

    China's 36th Antarctic expedition team conducted the first survey of benthic organisms using the large-scale benthic trawl in the Cosmonauts Sea on Sunday,showcasing the country's efforts to protect the global ecosystem and to fulfill its strategic role in saving life on earth, experts said...
  7. smooth manifold

    China's quantum satellite links with world's first mobile ground station

    http://www.ecns.cn/news/sci-tech/2020-01-03/detail-ifzsiwze9785783.shtml China's quantum satellite -- Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) -- has successfully linked up with the world's first mobile quantum ground station and conducted an encrypted data transmission in Jinan, Shandong...
  8. smooth manifold

    Chinese Alzheimer's drug to undergo global clinical trials

    An innovative Chinese Alzheimer's drug that hit the domestic market last week, will go through clinical trials on 2,000 patients overseas in 2020. The orally administered drug GV-971 will be tested in 200 clinical centers in North America, the European Union, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and...
  9. smooth manifold

    China's first 10,000-ton maritime patrol vessel under construction

    http://www.ecns.cn/cns-wire/2020-01-08/detail-ifzsiwze9788412.shtml (ECNS) -- Construction has begun on China's first 10,000-ton maritime patrol vessel, which will become the country's largest and best-equipped ship of its kind, the Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration said at a press...
  10. smooth manifold

    Why the US propaganda Free Beacon is afraid of free press?

    https://freebeacon.com/national-security/lawmaker-demands-hearing-on-spread-of-chinese-propaganda-in-congress/ Rep. Jim Banks (R. Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, is pressing congressional leaders to hold a hearing on the proliferation of Chinese Communist...
  11. smooth manifold

    A Jungle Airstrip Stirs Suspicions About China’s Plans for Cambodia

    丛林中的机场:柬埔寨中国项目引发担忧 A Jungle Airstrip Stirs Suspicions About China’s Plans for Cambodia https://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20191224/cambodia-china-military-bases/dual/ DARA SAKOR, Cambodia — The airstrip stretches like a scar through what was once unspoiled Cambodian jungle...
  12. smooth manifold

    At the Edge of the World, a New Battleground for the U.S. and China

    https://cn.nytimes.com/technology/20191223/faroe-islands-huawei-china-us/dual/ 该不该用华为建5G?法罗群岛成中美科技冷战新战场 At the Edge of the World, a New Battleground for the U.S. and China TORSHAVN, Faroe Islands — The mere existence of the Faroe Islands is a wonder. Tall peaks of snow-patched volcanic rock...
  13. smooth manifold

    China's proposal can break peninsula deadlock

    http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/24/content_9702311.htm China and Russia have proposed that the United Nations Security Council ease some of the sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea-such as lifting the ban on exporting statues, seafood and textiles, and withdrawing...
  14. smooth manifold

    Japan's highest-ever defense budget flows into US pockets

    http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/17/content_9697797.htm The Japanese government recently unveiled its defense budget plan for 2020, with a total amount of 5.3 trillion yen (about $ 48.4 billion), increased by 420 billion yen from 2019. If the budget plan is approved by the Japanese...
  15. smooth manifold

    China deeply concerned U.S. may weaponize outer space

    http://english.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/24/content_9702300.htm China on Monday expressed deep concern and firm opposition as U.S. Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, approving the establishment of a space force, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson...
  16. smooth manifold

    Unboxing China's Long March 5

    22:00 Dec 27 2019
  17. smooth manifold

    US: Video streaming App TikTok is threat to national security

    https://www.technologyreview.com/f/614665/tiktok-china-national-security-china-censorship-data-privacy/ The US government has launched a national security review of the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok, according to Reuters. Authorities think the viral meme app that brought the summer smash...
  18. smooth manifold

    Fivefold increase in military costs for South Korea is blackmail

    http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1170686.shtml After the US-South Korea talks on US military cost-sharing in South Korea broke down on Tuesday, South Korean media reported on Thursday that the Trump administration is considering withdrawing a brigade of US troops from the country to put...
  19. smooth manifold

    Over Parthenon Marbles, Greece Gets Unexpected Ally from the Far east

    https://cn.nytimes.com/world/20191114/parthenon-marbles-xi-jinping-greece-china/dual/ For almost two centuries, Greece and Britain have tussled over who should possess the Parthenon Marbles, the crowning prize of timeless beauty and ancient civilization taken from Athens and now displayed at...
  20. smooth manifold

    North Korea threatens military escalation if Trump fails to make a deal.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/north-koreas-notice-clock-is-ticking-on-demands-for-new-us-proposals-on-nuclear-talks/2019/11/13/4eb0762c-061c-11ea-9118-25d6bd37dfb1_story.html Kim Jung un riding horse SEOUL — North Korea has a message for President Trump and the United...
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