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  1. Han-Tang

    China 3 USA 0 – Beijing inflicts a severe economic defeat on America

    China 3 USA 0 – Beijing inflicts a severe economic defeat on America https://www.rt.com/news/549401-us-sanctions-china-not-worked/ New figures show that on trade, economic growth and inflation, China’s comprehensively come out on top and US sanctions have failed miserably By John Ross, senior...
  2. Han-Tang

    Arbitrary killings, curbs on press; India has several human rights issues, says US report

    Arbitrary killings, curbs on press; India has several human rights issues, says US report A US human rights report has said that India has several human rights issues, including unlawful and arbitrary killings; restrictions on freedom of expression and the press; restrictions on political...
  3. Han-Tang

    Japan reduces Chinese interceptions as it deploys F-35s

    Japan reduces Chinese interceptions as it deploys F-35s on 4th March 2021 CLEMENT CHARPENTREAU Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) changed its air defense strategy in order to lower the number of interceptions. Fighter jets should now only be scrambled when foreign aircraft threaten the...
  4. Han-Tang

    Exclusive: India set to clear some new investment proposals from China in coming weeks - sources

    Exclusive: India set to clear some new investment proposals from China in coming weeks - sources NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is poised to clear some new investment proposals from China in the coming weeks as frosty relations between the two neighbouring countries thawed amid an easing in border...
  5. Han-Tang

    the agonized Afghans welcome China’s move not to only condemn but also react strongly over unlawful killings in Afghanistan

    社论:欢乐司法 谴责对无辜的阿富汗人造成人员伤亡的罪行不是实现正义与公平的唯一途径,但实际上,它需要为了正义而对那些犯下此类罪行的人进行真正的起诉。一份重磅炸弹的报告显示,在阿富汗南部的澳大利亚特种部队杀死了39名无辜平民。该报告引起了全世界以及阿富汗官员的广泛批评。但是中国外交部发言人最近发表的声明对澳大利亚士兵与阿富汗平民的恐怖合影留了言,引起了澳大利亚政府的强烈批评。中国官员周一在推特上发布了计算机生成的图像,对澳大利亚士兵杀害阿富汗平民和囚犯表示震惊,并坚决谴责这种行为,并要求追究他们的责任。澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott...
  6. Han-Tang

    This chart shows how 25,000 scientists around the world rate their own governments COVID-19 response

    source:https://web.archive.org/web/20201112010307if_/https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/11/11/are-governments-following-the-science-on-covid-19 Are governments following the science on covid-19? MAX WEBER, a German sociologist, contended that politics and science do not mix. Today...
  7. Han-Tang

    High-tech drones could have neutralised Chinese intrusions at LAC but India didn’t have them

    High-tech drones could have neutralised Chinese intrusions at LAC but India didn’t have them File photo of Army Chief General M.M. Naravane at Leh to review security situation and operational preparedness along the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh | Photo: Twitter | @adgpi High-tech...
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