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  1. Foinikas

    Got kuffiyah?

    Basically this thread is to discuss about your kuffiyah,maybe post pics of it (or them if you have more than one) and for me to ask you,to support the Hirbawi textile factory in Palestine,if you can. Back in the early early 2000s,probably 2002,I bought my first kuffiyah.l I remember one of my...
  2. Foinikas

    Liberation of Thessaloniki 26 October 1912

    Well since it's the day,I wanted to share a part of history with you: On the same day, Constantine received a delegation consisting of the ambassadors of the Great Powers to Thessaloniki and Ottoman general Sefik Pasha. Tahsin Pasha offered to surrender the city without a fight and in return...
  3. Foinikas

    Erdogan is back

    After months of talking about peace,cooperation and friendship,Erdogan is back to his weird foreign policy,big talk and provocations. From the "Eeey Yunan!" of 2020-2023,now it's "Eeey Israil!" Now he warns Israel and calls Hamas "liberators". At the same time,he tells Israel not to look to...
  4. Foinikas

    Mods,will you finally do something?

    Now,that there are a lot of reported posts and you guys are busy,but...what else do you need to see? This guy has been doing nothing but talk trash to half the forum,be racist and mumble conspiracy theories from authors nobody has ever heard about. He's been here since August and has...
  5. Foinikas

    India: Phull Sapport Ijrael Sir!

    What the f is wrong with these people?
  6. Foinikas

    Canada: Nazi veteran honoured by Canada Parliament, House Speaker issues apology later

    I honestly feel bad for the old fellow...
  7. Foinikas

    Constantinople art

    I thought I'd share some art photos from my collection about Constantinople. Many pics are from the 1453 siege and others generally depictions of Byzantine Constantinople,showing why it was the largest and most beautiful city of the world during the medieval times. @_NOBODY_ @PakAlp @RayKalm...
  8. Foinikas

    Phantom fuel tank falls on parking lot in Ankara

    https://en.topwar.ru/225346-istrebitel-f-4-phantom-ii-vvs-turcii-uronil-podvesnoj-bak-na-otkrytuju-avtostojanku-v-ankare.html https://www.turkishminute.com/2023/09/04/part-falling-from-f-4-fighter-jet-damage-3-automobile-in-ankara/
  9. Foinikas

    Massive wildfires in Greece,sabotage suspected

    The last few days,there have been fires again,in various places of the country. As if it was an organized plan,wildfires started appearing and the fires are so intense and hard to take out,that we're talking about a new national tragedy. Thrace and especially the area near Evros and around...
  10. Foinikas

    Turkish Cypriots attack UN peacekeepers

    Turkish Cypriots attack UN peacekeepers trying to halt road work inside divided Cyprus’ buffer zone NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Angry Turkish Cypriots punched and kicked a group of international peacekeepers who obstructed crews working on a road that would encroach on a U.N.-controlled buffer zone...
  11. Foinikas

    Huge Gallium reserves enough to cover Europe's demand,found in Greece

    https://flight.com.gr/apothemata-galliou-stin-ellada/ In a report by the German economic newspaper Handelsblatt, it is stated that the bauxite deposits in Greece, mined by Aluminum of Greece (of the Mytilinaios group), are particularly rich in gallium, a metal with great international demand as...
  12. Foinikas

    Ukraine appoints American trans woman as new military spokesperson

    Well... https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/01/16/first-transgender-war-journalist-ukraine-russia/10882487002/ https://menafn.com/1106778581/Ukraine-appoints-transgender-to-lead-militarys-English-language-propaganda...
  13. Foinikas

    Biden tries to chat with Royal Guards in Britain...

    Apparently,Biden started talking to Welsh Guards during his visit at Windsor castle. King Charles tries to tell him to move on,but he stays there and keeps chatting. Then,as he leaves,he puts his arm on the king's back when he's not supposed to.
  14. Foinikas

    Stop saying the French are cowards!

    Today,while watching some videos,I stumbled upon this short animation that explains why the idea of the French Army being cowards (or losers) is completely wrong. Basically the whole misconception started with WWII,which again was wrong. And something I hadn't thought about until I watched this...
  15. Foinikas

    Kemal by Manos Hatzidakis

    Since most of you here are Muslims,I'd like to share a very old song by Manos Hatzidakis called "Kemal". Some of you might find it beautiful. I will translate the lyrics: Listen now to the story of Kemal,a young prince of the East,descendant of Sinbad the sailor,who thought he could change...
  16. Foinikas

    Air Force AI drone kills its human operator in a simulation

    All of you who grew up in the '80s and '90s remember all the movies and TV series that warned us about the dangers of AI. So many sci-fi movies,books,TV series and PC games. From Space Oddysey to the Terminator,from Outer Limits classics like I,Robot to the Matrix. Games like System Shock and I...
  17. Foinikas

    The forum needs more mods

    Most of you probably noticed the absence of mods on the forum the last few months. The mods and admins are too slow to respond,sometimes there's fights or spam for pages and pages and nothing is done. There are people who spam entire sections with threads,but they're allowed to do so for...
  18. Foinikas

    IAF Apache attack helicopter makes emergency landing in MP's Bhind

    Is there any aircraft you haven't crashed already?
  19. Foinikas

    Indians on Britain's Got Talent

    Not sure if all of them are Indians,but there you go. These are the fails,not the succesful acts.
  20. Foinikas

    PDF in a nutshell

    The forum in a one video:
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