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  1. ABCharlie

    Constitutional status: AJK has consented to granting G-B province status

    GILGIT: In what appears to be a push to get over the final hurdle, Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Chief Minister Hafeezur Rehman claimed on Sunday that leadership of Azad Jammu and Kashmir had consented to the idea of granting constitutional status to G-B. Rehman’s comments came days after Indian media...
  2. ABCharlie

    Vajpayee's line on Mehbooba lips

    New Delhi, March 15: Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have stamped his popularity across Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and much of India. But the future of Jammu and Kashmir, the state's chief minister said today, may hinge on returning to an approach followed by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari...
  3. ABCharlie

    Pakistan Navy activates Task Force-88 in Gwadar

    ORMARA: Pakistan Navy has fully activated its newly formed 'Task Force-88' (TF-88) for the seaward security of Gwadar port and the protection of connecting channels.TF-88 is equipped with gunboats, frigates, Fast Attack Craft, aircraft, and drones as well as other electronic surveillance means...
  4. ABCharlie

    Dr. Amarjit Singh's Views about Jinnah

    So, should Pakistan help them?
  5. ABCharlie

    True Heirs of Koh-i-Noor

    So we all know the story of Koh-i-Noor... How it was taken from the sub continent by the Brits and they still parade it in their museums like the Queen herself mined it, cut it with her own hands, and then brought it with her dowry. Now the diamond has changed hands a number of times since it...
  6. ABCharlie

    The alternative Asian vision

    Time and tide keep their own pace. It may seem altruistic, but those who have lagged behind them have normally been rendered to waste at their ruthless hands. History is replete with empires, ideas and men of substance that have all bowed before the ferocity of time. Even geopolitically, as...
  7. ABCharlie

    ‘Pakistan, Iran on verge of establishing strong economic ties’

    ISLAMABAD: A major parliamentary push is being planned to compel Islamabad and Tehran to overcome the internal resistance in their countries to greater bilateral economic engagement and revitalising of relations. This was disclosed by Chairman of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs...
  8. ABCharlie

    Female teachers from Gwadar reach China for four-month training

    BEIJING: Seven female teachers from Gwadar city of Balochistan province arrived at Karamay in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region for a four-month exchange programme involving training in Mandarin and teaching skills. The teachers studying at the International Division of Karamay Senior High...
  9. ABCharlie

    India’s Chabahar port plan runs into Iran loan application hurdle

    Eight months after the loan agreement was signed, Exim Bank is still awaiting the completion of an application from the Port and Maritime Organization of Iran with instructions to disburse the funds. New Delhi: India’s ambitious plan to develop Chabahar port in Iran has hit yet another...
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