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  1. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Hi Members, A Question put up by "Israel in Pakistan"a page on facebook

    MY POST ON THE WALL:-If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew.For once a Jew told me " Let us take faith and hope in the certainty that eventually prejudice, hatred, and injustice will disappear, and that the prophecy will come true that all...
  2. Patriotic_Pakistani

    A General with a 'rescue' plan

    gulfnews : A General with a 'rescue' plan :pakistan: Pervez Musharraf is a man who will not ‘fade away’. The former Pakistan president was planning to quit public life and live in peace five years after the 2008 elections, but the return of former prime ministers Benazir Bhutto, which...
  3. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Taliban set up all-women branch of suicide bombers

    Terrorist group's actions revealed by 12-year-old girl escapee IANSPublished: 00:00 December 30, 2010 Islamabad: Pakistani Taliban have established an all-women wing of suicide bombers to carry out terror missions across the country, dramatically revealed by a 12-year-old girl who managed to...
  4. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Chile quake knocked earth off its axis: NASA

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) reported that the Chile Earthquake knocked earth off its axis, saying that length of the earth day (the time it takes for the Earth to spin once in its orbit around the sun) was shortened by 1.26 microseconds. The earthquake, which struck...
  5. Patriotic_Pakistani

    India training terrorists to strike in Pakistan

    Pakistani Intelligence Agencies have revealed that Pakistani citizens are being trained in India to carry out terrorist acts in Pakistan. More than 100 agents were sent for training to India. These people are residing in different parts of Afghanistan. Hundreds of Balochi nationals have also...
  6. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Dubai Police move checkmates Mossad

    Since the killing of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in his Dubai hotel room on January 19, Dubai Police have released pictures, images of their alleged passports and alleged names of 11 suspects, for whom arrest warrants have also been issued through Interpol. Dubai/Beirut: The amount of information that...
  7. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    ISLAMABAD: Security forces claim to have recovered Indian-made improvised explosive devices (IED) from South Waziristan on Friday. The IEDs were recovered from a suspected militant base near the Razmak area of South Waziristan, where military forces are currently carrying out an offensive...
  8. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

    ISLAMABAD: India has resumed work on the controversial Kishanganga hydropower project and has taken up four other mega projects of about 3,900MW on the Chenab and Jhelum rivers in occupied Kashmir that can result in major water shortages and cause a disaster in Pakistan in the event of an...
  9. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Pervez Musharraf: Answering Top 3 Questions on his FB page

    Answering Your Top 3 Questions - IVShare Today at 12:36am Question: Which political organization supports your vision? Answer: Pasdar-e-Pakistan is a grassroots organization of my supporters. The Pasdars have been holding seminars, conventions, press conferences and public...
  10. Patriotic_Pakistani

    A Video about Geo News , how many of you believe that its true?

  11. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Intelligence agencies expose hijacking plan of PIA

    ISLAMABAD : Intelligence agencies on Saturday exposed a hijacking plan which what they said was being sponsored and supported by Indian and Afghan secret agencies. According to the Interior Ministry sources intelligence agencies informed the ministry that terrorists had planned to hijack...
  12. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition

    Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition and directed Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy.[321] According to one confidant, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did...
  13. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Pakistan society could become more extremist: report

    The report, which looks at Pakistan over a one-to-three year time horizon, rules out the possibility of a Taliban takeover or of it becoming the world's first nuclear-armed failed state Reuters Published: 00:00 January 13, 2010 London: Pakistani society is likely to become more extremist...
  14. Patriotic_Pakistani

    Fake passports issued to Indians by mission in Houston

    RAWALPINDI: Pakistan’s consul general in the US city of Houston appeared in an accountability court here on Monday as a witness and confirmed that fake Pakistani passports had been issued to Indian citizens. Aqil Naeem told Judge Wamiq Javaid that the passports had been issued by the Houston...
  15. Patriotic_Pakistani

    An Open Letter from Pakistani Patriots to the Indo-American TTP and Their Backers

    Today is the day we look you in the eye and say “enough!” As we bury our Shaheeds, our eyes are heavy from the tears that we have shed and our shoulders heave with the grief that we have carried upon them. But before you even begin to delude yourselves with the idea that you have...
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