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  1. Peace Sells no one buying

    China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes

    defence.professionals | defpro.com That's the source, which is quite reputable, in my opinion. 07:41 GMT, May 11, 2010 On April 13, in the port city of Tianjin about 130- KM away from Beijing, China showed off its 4th Generation J-10 aircraft to military attaches of about 50 countries...
  2. Peace Sells no one buying

    Nuclear War in South Asia must be avoided at all costs

    Greetings everyone. I'm new here. But -- I think I may have something to share with everyone here. Why Nations Need Nukes: First of all, when some nations with less than honest intentions have nuclear weapons (USA, etc) it's in the best interest of non-affiliated, developing nations to procure...
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