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  1. cleverrider

    Osama bin Laden's home movies

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5041235/Video-bin-Laden-s-family-life-hiding-revealed-CIA.html Hiding in plain sight: Astonishing videos of Osama bin Laden’s family life in hiding have been revealed by the CIA – showing his children and grandchildren playing in the open Astonishing...
  2. cleverrider

    India-Pakistan: The media turns up the heat

    The Listening Post
  3. cleverrider

    Pakistan-India tensions (Reasonable Discussion)

    Pakistan-India tensions
  4. cleverrider

    ANP War on TTP

    Pakistan: Peshawar policemen pay price of corruption ANP took credit for what, for scamming police out of proper equipment? Thanks to PTI, Police is getting better.
  5. cleverrider


    @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Windjammer @Horus Very short though.
  6. cleverrider

    EXCLUSIVE Altaf Hussain. Get in the Car mate!!

    The look on their faces, You better listen or we will put you back in. (We not doing, we not doing). Sc*m The bhai just got told.:enjoy:
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