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  1. lhuang

    Smaller private defence companies from India

    My friend wants me to ask this on here He recently found two small companies that have surprisingly good portfolios. Zen Technologies Limited << Makes a handheld uav thingie also produces some good personal armour etc (obviously it seems the GoI have plenty of local options to provide BPJs to...
  2. lhuang

    WoW gamer threatens fellow players

    Good video to watch when you're sad.
  3. lhuang

    India's AEW&C Programme Gets Ready For Platform Flight Tests

  4. lhuang

    Watch this video #2

    Very good. Awesomeodiddles
  5. lhuang

    North Korean border guard 'shoots three Chinese dead '

    BBC News - North Korean border guard 'shoots three Chinese dead '
  6. lhuang

    Watch this video

  7. lhuang

    J-10 vs F22

    The following is a quote from a discussion on BRF, it's about a Russian report on the development of HAL Tejas and the J-10. On page 25 it states that a J-10 has engaged a F22 and come out victorious. How much substance is there to this?
  8. lhuang

    Funny misprint

    Penguin Group (Australia) confirms the Pasta Bible ISBN 97801 43011071 has been pulped due to an error in the recipe for Spelt tagliatelle with sardines and prosciutto. The recipe incorrectly suggests adding salt and freshly ground black people – instead of freshly ground black pepper. The error...
  9. lhuang

    Gnawing issues in China-India relations

    Posting in full Gnawing issues in China-India relations&#160; If you read the comments, it is interesting to see that Indians and Chinese are agreeing on many things, yet our countries are still not as friendly as I would like us to be.
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