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  1. Pasban

    Defected Iranian ex-Tomcat Pilot Gives An Interview in Israel

    Article from an Israeli Daily Video: --------------------------------------- This pilot was court-Marshalled about 7 years ago or so. He somewhat loses all credibility when speaking about human rights, equality and democracy, and then defecting to Israel of all places in the...
  2. Pasban

    Jerusalem moving ahead with controversial park project

    Jerusalem moving ahead with controversial park project Jerusalem municipality on Monday said it was moving ahead with plans to build a new archaeological park that call for the demolition of 22 Arab homes, raising fears of unrest in the Holy City. The city's planning and building committee...
  3. Pasban

    Nicaragua Raids Costa Rica, Blames Google Maps

    Nicaragua Raids Costa Rica, Blames Google Maps An error on Google Maps has caused an international conflict in Central America. A Nicaraguan military commander, relying on Google Maps, moved troops into an area near San Juan Lake along the border between his country and Costa Rica. The...
  4. Pasban

    Iran arrests Britain-linked terrorists

    Iran's Intelligence Ministry says it has arrested four Britain-linked terrorists in the western city of Marivan, who carried out five assassinations in the last two years. The ministry said it has disclosed documents and confiscated weaponry from the terrorist group. The detainees said...
  5. Pasban

    Bolivia wants to purchase Iranian-made military planes, helicopters for training

    Bolivia wants to purchase Iranian-made military planes, helicopters for training By The Associated Press (CP) – 5 hours ago LA PAZ, Bolivia — Bolivia says it is interested in buying Iranian-made airplanes and helicopters for military training and transportation. Finance Minister Luis Arce...
  6. Pasban

    (Viewer Descretion Advised): Afghan victims of US Weapons Radiation

    The US uses depleted uranium (DU) in their weapons and shown below are some the after effects on the population. The average life-time of DU is 4.5 billion years. The following are photos of Afghan children who are born like this as a result.
  7. Pasban

    'The Arabs (and Indians and Chinese) Are Coming!'

    'The Arabs (and Indians and Chinese) Are Coming!' With so many touching xenophobic and foreigner-baiting attack ads, it's hard to pick favorites. Here are five of the best as the midterm elections get ugly. BY CAMERON ABADI, ANDREW SWIFT It's late October election season: The trees...
  8. Pasban

    Iranian woman says US tortured her

    An Iranian woman detained in the United States since 2007 says she is innocent and she has been tortured in prison. Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Press TV from prison. “The US government invited me for governmental business… They even took a ticket...
  9. Pasban

    Question for Fellow Indian Members (viewer discretion is advised)

    Recently, I came across a blog pertaining to India. First and foremost this is not meant to be offensive. I am curious only and wish to be enlightened. I felt a bit aghast viewing the imagery in the blog. I'm not referring to the scenes of poverty but to the drifting corpses and other...
  10. Pasban

    War and the Conquest of Eurasia

    The article below is an interesting read. It ties in Russia, China and Iran as well. I thought to share. --------------------------------------------------------------------- War and the Conquest of Eurasia: Iran’s "Green Wave" Opposition and its Ties to Global Geopolitics Global...
  11. Pasban

    Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War

    Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War by Rick Rozoff The monumental expansion of arms sales and the buildup of naval and air power in the Arabian Sea region are unprecedented. They are also alarming to the highest degree. A quarter of the world's...
  12. Pasban

    Ankara suspicious that Israel's security behind U.S. push for regional missile shield

    TURKEY: Ankara suspicious that Israel's security behind U.S. push for regional missile shield October 25, 2010 | 10:31 am Ballistic_Missile_Defense_System_(BMDS)_ Is the United States using NATO to protect its special friend in the Middle East: Israel? That's what Turkey suspects may be...
  13. Pasban

    Report: Turkish intelligence severed relations with the Mossad

    (From an Israeli newspaper) Report: Turkish intelligence severed relations with the Mossad Amid the strained relations between Ankara and Jerusalem, Turkish intelligence has severed its working relations with the Mossad, the Turkish newspaper Sabah reported on Monday. The report...
  14. Pasban

    US troops beheaded Iraqi detainee

    American forces decapitated an Iraqi last year on the order of their higher-up, show recently-exposed US military documents. The troops operated under the command of an unnamed US major, who had been involved in the **** of an Iraqi female, showed one such document posted on the...
  15. Pasban

    Iran: US behind Wikileaks revelations

    Iran: US behind Wikileaks revelations Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:46PM Share | Email | Print Mohammad-Javad Larijani A senior Iranian diplomat says recent revelations by whistleblower website Wikileaks are Washington's ploy to cover up human rights violations by the US. In the largest-ever...
  16. Pasban

    Wikileaks - what are your views?

    What are the members views on Wikileaks? Iranian Majalis (Parliament) speaker, Ali Larijani, believes that Wikileaks is providing misinformation in ways and therefore could be a tactic in its own right. I have actually thought of this before myself. Julian Assange is being made to appear as...
  17. Pasban

    How propaganda is disseminated: WikiLeaks Edition

    How propaganda is disseminated: WikiLeaks Edition By Glenn Greenwald * How propaganda is disseminated: WikiLeaks Edition AP WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This is how the U.S. government and American media jointly disseminate propaganda: in the immediate wake of some...
  18. Pasban

    Iraq war logs: US spy balloons blew towards Iran

    Iraq war logs: US spy balloons blew towards Iran Hi-tech JLens blimps with secret technology used to detect cruise missiles may have dropped into Tehran's lap An American military balloon like the JLens blimps An American military balloon like the JLens blimps that broke free from their...
  19. Pasban

    The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

    The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize by F. William Engdahl* With almost flawless political timing, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee of the Norwegian Parliament announced the giving of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese critic, political activist Liu Xiaobo. The...
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