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  1. mymeaningislion

    Footage of Tank Battle in Syria (Via Go Pro)

    All Who make comments of one tank being superior to other should look at these videos....definitely machines do matter but the operator is more important in real warfare....for pakistani member who are deprived of youtube copy past the link in playit.pk.......feast your eyes.....:D
  2. mymeaningislion

    Russian President Accepted Invitation from Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilan

    President of Russia has accepted the invitation of our prime minister for a visit to pakistan..... My personal thinking is that it is Geo strategic shift of sides by world power. as in the context of all the events happening out there. I predict Russia will offer support in SCO and financial...
  3. mymeaningislion

    Reality About Osama , Operation and Future Consequences of it

    Guys.....here are some american media persons have to show to you. and as far as my indian friends is concerned watch it with neutral mind . it will clarify many illusions. take care and for my Pakistani brothers. keep calm and avoid deception as it is all miss information. and i...
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