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    2011: Global economic collapse?

    With the housing prices still declining in US and debt at record proportions in US, Europe and Japan, is there any way to stimulate the economy if it sputters again? Europe is taking austerity cuts in their deficit to show the markets that they can cut their debt down, but the US is fearing...
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    CrossTalk: Who will Rule the Future?

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    Will Europe Drag Down China, And Why We Like India

    Will Europe Drag Down China, And Why We Like India Over the past few months, investors have been inundated with analysts posturing about the effects of the European debt crisis. The basic questions that continue to worry investors include: To what extent will the crisis spread? –and– Will it...
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    Harry Dent says India will experience massive growth because of demographics

    India is going to pull the world out of crisis. China is already at its peak and its growth will only fall here on. Check out the video at about 40:00.
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    Manmohan Singh gets Obama's autograph

    Reporter: "Congratulations Dr. Singh! I heard that the G-20 summit went well." Singh: "Thank you. It was very successful. I met The Man." Reporter: "Yes, I heard. What did you say to The Man?" Singh: "I said 'You da Man!' And I shared some turban-wearing tips with him." Reporter: "I...
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    US encircling China using War on Terror

    Aijaz Ahmed claims that US is in Afghanistan to serve its long term interests by keeping permanent bases in Afghanistan and controlling South Asia and Central Asia and keeping China in check. Part 1: Does the Afghan war matter to the US? Part 2: Will Pakistan fight a US war? Part 3: Obama...
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    Who can and who can't have nuclear weapons?

    Aijaz Ahmed talks about how the NPT agreement cannot be applied to Iran and others, simply because NPT was based on the promise that all nuclear weapons in the world would be destroyed, but they aren't.
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    The Rise of China, India & Russia: The Next Century

    The rise of other global powers is most often posed as a sorry tale. The potential loss of our #1 status implies a blow to our safety, economy, and prestige. In The Next American Century, Nina Hachigian and Mona Sutphen show that the "pivotal powers"—China, Europe, India, Japan, and Russia—seek...
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    The Four Powers Solution, Russia, China, India and the USA

    The Four Powers Solution, Russia, China, India and the USA A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System In view of the brevity of time, I shall confine my remarks to a certain aspect of the problem. On the 25th of July of the year 2007, I delivered a forecast by way of an...
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    India Prepares for a Two-Front War

    The Wall Street Journal: India Prepares for a Two-Front War This isn't just a change in military doctrine—it's a reflection of America's declining power in Asia. - By Dan Blumenthal There is one country responding to China's military build-up and aggressiveness with some muscle of its...
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    India turns on 'closet racist' John Howard

    India turns on 'closet racist' John Howard Indian media commentators have branded John Howard a "closet racist" after he refused to withdraw his bid to be vice-president of the International Cricket Council (ICC). Mr Howard was rejected from the post earlier this week following strong but...
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    Global Economy Subforum

    This site needs a global economic subforum. We increasingly live in a global economy and what happens in one part of the world have socio-politico-economic impact on another part!
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    GE Chief's Remarks Show Growing Irritation With China

    General Electric Co. Chief Executive Jeffrey Immelt said it is getting harder for foreign companies to do business in China, and that the Obama administration hasn't done as much as its predecessors to develop ties to the business community, people who heard his comments said Thursday. His...
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    Helicopter-mounted radar to tackle Naxal IEDs

    India is deploying cutting-edge technology to defeat a simple insurgent weapon that J&K militants and Naxals are using to lethal effect: the Improvised Explosive Device, or IED. Swedish company Saab has offered to partner India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in fitting...
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    Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border

    NEW DELHI: The Indian security establishment is considering the largest-ever upgrade of military capabilities along the China border as it tries to catch up with the militarily advanced neighbour. Sources told TOI that the defence ministry has proposed the setting up of a Mountain Strike...
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    How corrupt US money supply works

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    Keep U.S. Aircraft Carrier Out of Our Backyard, China Warns

    A state-run Chinese newspaper on Tuesday criticized the South Korean government for allowing the 97,000-ton aircraft carrier George Washington of the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet to join South Korea-U.S. military training scheduled late this month. In an editorial, Global News wrote the West Sea...
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