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  1. Hammad

    An aircraft carrier for China?

    An aircraft carrier for China? By David Lague International Herald Tribune MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 2006 BEIJING As China builds a military to match its growing economic power, its neighbors and potential rivals including the United States have puzzled over a key question: When will the...
  2. Hammad

    From Crusades to France

    From Crusades to france When Salahuddin ayubi entered jersulam he pardoned all except one group of people. These were known as templers and salahuddin offered no amnesty knowing fully their hatred of islam and their acts against it. At the start they were about 50 in numbers with their mission...
  3. Hammad

    Sachin and Sourav

    Sachin Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly, now pretty old guys, 75 and 80 years old, are sitting on a park bench feeding pigeons and talking about cricket, like they do every day. Sachin turns to Sourav and says, "Do you think there's cricket in heaven?" Ganguly thinks about it for a minute...
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