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  1. G

    Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi,News and Update.

    So finally,the games have arrived! 1 day to go! Please post all news and updates related to CWG here! And the tally of medals and perfomances as the Games start tomorrow! Lets hope for the best!
  2. G

    India vs Australia:The battle of the Champs!

    The No.1 Test Side and No.2 ODI Side(India) vs No.4 Test Side and No.1(ODI side)!! Its going to be one heck of a series! 2 Tests and 3 ODIS! 1st Test,Day1. Aus,1st Innings 75/1.. Go India Go. :D
  3. G

    Pakistani man gets a gift of life with Indian blood

    Villagers from Gurgaon came to the rescue of a Pakistani patient battling for his life in a city hospital. Lahore-based businessman Abdur Razzak, 38, underwent a liver transplant surgery at Medanta Medicity on Tuesday and required blood. Since Razzak’s is O+, a rare blood group, his family had a...
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