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  1. Major Sahab

    England & India`s reaction over Pakistan win against Sri Lanka

    Well, Well, Well I watched this ICC Cricket World Cup Group match Pakistan V Sri Lanka LIVE on SKY SPORTS HD. After Pakistan win the match this english channel not shown who was man of the match, and comments of both captains when they usually come after end the match. About India, Indian...
  2. Major Sahab

    Posts are not being counted?

    Is there any reason that my posts/messages are being not counted? I have posted lots more than 18 posts. But there is still showing 18 posts? :pakistan:
  3. Major Sahab

    ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

    Who will win the world cup 2011? Inshallah Pakistan :rolleyes:
  4. Major Sahab

    Extradite Aseemanand and RSS terrorists

    The culprit of Samjhota Exres dresses up in the full Hindu saffron regalia, and is followed to and from places by his band of marauders who carry the Hindu Trident and yell Anti-Muslim slogans. Colonel Prohit dreses the same way, and is treated like a hero in Bharat. It is like the KKK at a...
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