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  1. tallboy123

    India votes against Iran’s nuclear programme at IAEA

    India has voted against Iran’s nuclear programme at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s meeting of governors in the Austrian capital Vienna. The UN watchdog has censured Iran and asked it to halt uranium enrichment. Besides India, the resolution was endorsed by the six world powers the...
  2. tallboy123

    RSS and Sikhs during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots(riots instigated by congress)

    Sikh intellectual and author of 'A History of the Sikhs', Khushwant Singh, credits members of the RSS with helping and protecting Sikhs who were being targeted by members of the Congress(I) political party during the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots.[90] Singh who otherwise has been critical of the RSS and...
  3. tallboy123

    Iran protests FIFA ban on women's team

    Iran is protesting a decision by the ruling football body FIFA to deny its women’s football team playing a 2012 Olympics qualifier in Jordan because of the players’ Islamic outfits, state media reported Sunday. FIFA cancelled Friday’s game in Amman and declared Jordan 3-0 winners after the...
  4. tallboy123

    Rs 203 million Indian assistance for Sri Lanka''s war widows

    Colombo, Jun 2 (PTI) India has provided assistance worth Rs 203 million to Sri Lanka for rebuilding the lives of war affected women and their families in the country''s eastern province, a senior Indian official said here today. "The assistance is very important as it would rebuild the lives...
  5. tallboy123

    People please stop dreaming of india as a powerful nation or superpower

    Guys i opened this thread to put my thinking infront of u... If u dont like,just dont bother to reply....But i am telling wat i think is truth Guys let me tell u frankly..... India will never be a powerful nation..... With this secularism curse,it can never.... Secularism will...
  6. tallboy123

    Iqbal Kaskar's driver was the target of shooting, says Maharashtra govt

    Iqbal Kaskar's driver was the target of shooting, says Maharashtra government Iqbal Kaskar's driver was the target of shooting, says Maharashtra government - Mumbai - DNA
  7. tallboy123

    Russian FM says killing of bin Laden justified

    MOSCOW (Xinhua) -- The United States had a firm judicial base on the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a Moscow newspaper on Thursday. According to The Moscow News, Lavrov said the U.S. operation was conducted as a self-defense action in...
  8. tallboy123

    Osama in Abbottabad for 5 years, says wife: Pak report

    Islamabad: While the US-led forces were hunting for Osama bin Laden in Pakistan's unruly tribal areas for years, the Al Qaeda chief had been living a secluded life in a million-dollar mansion in the Pakistani garrison city of Abbottabad for five years, according to one of his wives. The...
  9. tallboy123

    India circus child labour ban to be enforced--today april 18 2011

    India's Supreme Court has ordered circuses to stop employing children and instructed the government to rescue and rehabilitate working minors. Until a recently passed amendment, circuses were largely exempt from India's Child Labour Act which bans the employment of children under 14. But...
  10. tallboy123

    India enemy no. 1, US high on LeT hit list

    Washington: Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) has declared a 'jihad' on America and is expanding its reach to Europe and other continents, a top US military commander has said, warning that it was no longer solely focussed on India or South Asia. LeT, considered the...
  11. tallboy123

    India, S Africa to conduct joint Naval exercise

    Sanya (China), Apr 14 (PTI) India and South Africa today decided to hold joint Naval exercises and fixed a new trade target of USD 15 billion to be achieved by next year as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Jacob Zuma met here and discussed ways to boost overall ties. During the...
  12. tallboy123

    Rebels slam NATO for slowdown in strikes

    Tripoli/Washington: Angry rebels today deprecated NATO for "slackening" the pace of its military campaign which faced fresh challenges with Muammar Gaddafi's troops changing tactics by using human shields to thwart air strikes. Rebels slam NATO for slowdown in strikes NATO officials denied...
  13. tallboy123

    India hands over 40 vehicles to Nepalese committee

    Kathmandu, April 7 (PTI) India today gifted 40 vehicles to a Nepalese committee that monitors Maoist combatants and their arms. Deputy Chief of Mission in Indian Embassy, Kathmandu Joydeep Mukharjee handed over the vehicles to Jaya Dev Shrestha, Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Peace and...
  14. tallboy123

    India Nuclear waepons and thorium reactor..and numbers of nuke stockpile

    Thorium reactor will be a nuclear fissile machine...25% of thorium is in India..:butcher: it will be cheaper and can make in mass numbers... wat do u think ??;)
  15. tallboy123

    Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report

    Bangalore: As a result of its focused growth initiatives, Gujarat has leaped ahead of other Indian states in growth, whereas the states in South India are witnessing a slump in growth, according to a report. Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report Gujarat has...
  16. tallboy123

    Egyptian women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

    Cairo: Women arrested by Egyptian military personnel during protests at Cairo's Tahrir Square were subjected to "virginity tests" and other forms of humiliation, claims an Amnesty International report. Eighteen demonstrators were detained by army officers on March 9 at the end of weeks of...
  17. tallboy123

    Lanka imports record number of 3-wheelers from India

    Colombo, March 14 (PTI) Sri Lanka''s vehicle imports hit a new record with the number of three-wheel vehicles bought mainly from India crossing the 85,000 mark, official figures today showed. The total vehicle imports jumped 359,243 in 2010, up 75.9 percent compared to the previous year, Sri...
  18. tallboy123

    doubts on leasing nuclear subs

    guys my doubt is ...india has leased russian nuclear sub... But it's a attack submarine...i.e..it cannot launch ballistic missile... Can russia lease submarines which can launch nuclear missilles or not... Which country on this earth leases it sub(nuke missile sub) to other countries or...
  19. tallboy123

    EU pact may restrict Indian cos'' export of life-saving drugs to developing nations..

    Geneva, Mar 3 (PTI) Indian pharma companies will be unable to supply life-saving HIV/AIDS and TB drugs to developing countries if New Delhi agrees to the ''data exclusivity'' condition as demanded by the EU in ongoing talks for a free trade agreement, health organisation UNITAID warned today...
  20. tallboy123

    Indian companies discuss nuclear MoUs with Canada

    Ottawa, Feb 26 (IANS) As India and Canada resume nuclear ties after 36 years, Indian companies discussed MoUs with their Canadian counterparts at the Nuclear Industry Conference and Trade Show which ended here Friday. The annual three-day trade show was organized by the Canadian Nuclear...
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