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  1. April.lyrics

    Su-30 combat jet of Indian air force crashes

    from:Su-30 combat jet of Indian air force crashes, pilots safe - People's Daily Online (Xinhua) 18:46, December 13, 2011 NEW DELHI, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- A front-line Sukhoi combat jet of the Indian Air Force (IAF) crashed near Pune, western India, on Tuesday, but the two pilots bailed...
  2. April.lyrics

    ZTZ-99A2(or ZTZ-99G?) news:with new gun and new active defense system.

    From:?99???????_?_ latest news about ZTZ99 modified MBTs. in the article,it says the latest type has improve the gun,active defese system and stenghten the amor.besides,fans said it has also improved the engine.Chassis is clearly defferent with old ones. and some pics from the video,but i...
  3. April.lyrics

    Chinese-made Xinzhou-60 continue to operate forno problem on plane itself

    Indonesia said that Chinese-made Xinzhou-60 aircraft continue to operate for - Chinahourly Xinhua News Agency May 23 news (reporter Li Yu) 23 Ministry of Indonesia said that the airlines in the domestic pigeon mind MA60 aircraft crash special survey, the company's existing 8 Xinzhou-60 aircraft...
  4. April.lyrics

    China denies Vietnam's accusation on South China Sea

    china and vietnam wont have war on mainland. but it is possiblely that they bring out conflicts on south china sea. that means navy and air force would involve in this.army wont,or just a little.so the biggest loss may be loss some ships~well dont be serious.i mean even the war begin,we wont...
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