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    Chronology of the war in Pakistan 2000-2010: can you help?

    Can anyone help? Those who wish to learn more about specific conflicts can usually turn to a readily available outline chronology of military operations to provide a clear sequence of events. I am working on counter-terrorist operations in Pakistan as part of the initial research for my...
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    Cowardice, incompetence or treachery? The capture of Pakistan soldiers 2007

    I have been trying to understand the events and aftermath of the Taliban attack and captured of Pakistani troops in the North West Frontier in July 2007. I believe they were from the Baloch Regiment, but it is unclear how this came about or what happened to the captured soldiers afterwards...
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    UK Parliamentary Report very critical of policy towards Pakistan and Afghanistan

    On 2 March 2011 he UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee published a highly critical report about British military and political efforts to counter terrorism in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The full report is over 200 pages long and can be found at...
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