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    French appeals court rules Israel is not illegally occupying land

    French appeals court rules Israel is not illegally occupying land Dreuz reports that a French appeals court in Versailles has ruled that Israel was not acting illegally in building a light rail line across the Green Line. The PLO must pay 30,000 euros separately to Alstom, Alstom...
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    Egypt to Palestinian Syrian refugees: "Drop Dead"

    Palestinian refugees from Syria struggle for recognition in Egypt Fatemah El-Taweel, 31, left war torn Syria where she was born and raised for Egypt. Yet when she attempted to send her three children to school here she met with an unexpected response. “A Palestinian, and you want to...
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    Israeli man killed in West Bank terror attack

    Israeli man killed in West Bank terror attack A father of five from the settlement of Yitzhar was stabbed to death in a terror attack at the Tapuah Junction in Samaria on Tuesday morning, in the first lethal terror attack in the West Bank since 2011. Following the murder, settlers rioted...
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    OpIsrael hackers fail to "erase Israel from the internet"

    OpIsrael hackers fail to "erase Israel from the internet" After much hype, the large-scale attacks on Israeli internet sites has ended with few victories Anonymous hackers and their global counterparts were left embarrassed on Sunday evening as the large-scale "OpIsrael" exercise to...
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    Israel fires missiles into Syria after IDF patrol comes under fire in Golan

    Israel fires missiles into Syria after IDF patrol comes under fire in Golan No one injured by the Syrian fire toward the IDF soldiers; IDF reports direct hit on target in Syria. Shots from Syria were fired at an Israel Defense Forces border patrol in the northern Golan Heights on...
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    Ayatollah Khamenie's Secret Luxurious Lifestyle

    Secrets of Khamenei's life Mohsen Makhmalbaf, internationally renowned filmmaker and the Iranian opposition's main spokesman abroad since the disputed presidential election, posted an article, entitled 'The secrets of Khamenei's life,' on his web site on Monday, December 28, 2009. Makhmalbaf...
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    Another heartbreaking story of Israeli racism

    Another heartbreaking story of Israeli racism Quoting ElderofZiyon From JPost: His late mother was an illiterate housewife and his father a simple farmer and construction worker who never got beyond fourth grade. Nevertheless, Dr. Aziz Darawshe’s 11 younger siblings include three...
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    US Cancels Award for terrorist-sympathising Samira Ibrahim

    U.S. Officially Cancels Plan to Give ‘Women of Courage’ Award to Egyptian Who Celebrated 9/11, Death of Israelis Samira Ibrahim, the Egyptian activist who was deferred from receiving the U.S. State Department’s “Women of Courage Award,” has now been refused the honor outright after it was...
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    The Humiliation of Palestinian Refugees

    From ElderofZiyon I have noted throughout the years the official Arab discrimination practices against Palestinian Arabs. An apparently Palestinian Arab YouTube channel called "Palestinian Refugees" made a professional video about this problem, and demands full citizenship rights for...
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    Belly dancer: Islamists have destroyed art and creativity in Egypt

    Belly dancer: Islamists have destroyed art and creativity in Egypt A once-prominent Egyptian belly dancer said she has decided to stop dancing, saying Islamists have destroyed art and creativity in Egypt. “Artists are sitting at home because Islamists destroyed art and creativity,”...
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    George Galloway: 'I don't debate with Israelis'

    George Galloway walks out of Oxford Israel Debate - YouTube The controversial MP George Galloway has been accused of racism after walking out of a meeting at Oxford University when he discovered he was debating with an Israeli. Mr Galloway, who is the Respect party MP for Bradford West...
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    Why Islamists Target US, Not France

    Why Islamists Target US, Not France Wednesday, 03 Oct 2012 10:33 AM By Tawfik Hamid Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Why Islamists Target US, Not France Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now! The difference between Muslims’ reaction to the French...
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    Russia, China, Iran plan to stage in Syria “biggest Mid East maneuver”

    Russia, China, Iran plan to stage in Syria “biggest Mid East maneuver” Middle East military tensions around Syria shot up again Monday, June 18, with the news reported by the semi-official Iranian news agency Fars that a joint Russian-Chinese-Iranian exercise is to take place in Syria. It...
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    Israel deports 120 illegal immigrants - 0.01% of what Obama deported

    Israel deports 120 illegal immigrants - 0.01% of what Obama deported AP reports: This has been a big story for a couple of weeks now. But I saw an interesting statistic accompanying President Obama's recent offer of amnesty for illegal immigrants in the US. As mentioned in this...
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    Russia flies anti-air, anti-ship missiles to Assad as its fleet heads to Ta

    Russia flies anti-air, anti-ship missiles to Assad as its fleet heads to Tartus Moscow is using the time up until Russian President Vladimir Putin faces US President Barack Obama across the G20 conference table in Los Cabos, Mexico Sunday, June 17 - or in its corridors - to ship sophisticated...
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    Syrian terrorists 'try to set up new belt of strongholds'

    Terror zone shift: Syrian insurgents 'try to set up new belt of strongholds' Terror zone shift: Syrian insurgents 'try to set up new belt of strongholds' — RT While Homs is nearly under control of the government, terrorists and insurgents try to escape north and east. The Syrian...
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    Russian Topol ICBM Missile Test Causes UFO Reports in Israel & Middle East

    Russian Topol ICBM Missile Test Causes UFO Reports in Israel & Middle East It wasn’t only Israel officials phones ringing off the hook with possible UFO sightings, most Middle Eastern countries saw the same lights in the sky. According to the Jerusalem Post there were literally hundreds...
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    Four French soldiers killed by burka-wearing bomber

    A suicide bomber dressed in a burka blew himself up near a French patrol in Afghanistan on Saturday, killing four soldiers and wounding five in one of the deadliest attacks on the French contingent in months. French soldiers from the 7th Mountain Infantry Battalion on patrol near Tagab in...
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    Arab writers withdraw from U.S. book over publisher's refusal to remove Isr

    Arab writers withdraw from U.S. book over publisher's refusal to remove Israeli contributions Planned publication by Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas halted after directors refuse to single out Israeli authors. An anthology of women's writing in the Middle...
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    Israel 'fitting nuclear arms on subs'

    Israel 'fitting nuclear arms on subs' BERLIN — Israel is arming submarines supplied and largely financed by Germany with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, influential German news weekly Der Spiegel reports in its issue to be published Monday. The magazine said in a cover story likely to...
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