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  1. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Kaisay Btaoon Tum meray liye koon ho

    kaisay bataon tum ko tum mairay liyan koon ho - YouTube
  2. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Taggging Facility

    The latest Notification update for the PDF is great but can we have a tagging facility simillar to FB where users can be taged when after "@" we type in there username... hope that webby can implement this project, Its not that hard, can provide the backend code too ..!
  3. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    BV Kaisee Honi Chaahiye

    BV Kaisee Honi Chaahiye BV Kaisee Honi Chaahiye - YouTube
  4. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    General John R. Allen, commander ISAF issues Apology

    General John R. Allen, commander ISAF
  5. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Female Passengers Say They Were Targeted for TSA Body Scanners

    Female Passengers Say They Were Targeted for TSA Body Scanners TSA agents in Dallas singled out female passengers to undergo screening in a body scanner, according to complaints filed by several women who said they felt the screeners intentionally targeted them to view their bodies...
  6. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    How The Pentagon’s Top Killers Became (Unaccountable) Spies

    How The Pentagon’s Top Killers Became (Unaccountable) Spies This is what people think of when they imagine the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC — the secretive, über-elite military unit that killed Osama bin Laden. The leader of a JSOC unit in Iraq, known as K-Bar, gets shot in...
  7. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    The American dream Film

    The American dream Film The American dream Film-[With English Subtitles] - YouTube
  8. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    BlackWater Deployed in UAE(For the Greater Good of Cross+)

    UAE: Arming up with mercenaries What possible security risks could have motivated the UAE to hire outside help? The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has hired the founder of the controversial US security company Blackwater, to set up a paramilitary force made up of foreign mercenaries in Abu Dhabi...
  9. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Like It or Unfriend It

    Like It or Unfriend It AMERICA and Indigenous Peoples are now friends. Christopher Columbus wrote on America’s wall: “This IS India, right?” America has joined the New World network. America is no longer friends with Indigenous Peoples. The Pilgrims wrote on America’s wall...
  10. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Cyber Love(Guy From US came All the Way to Pakistan to Marry his mate)

    Cyber romance: Chatting up a fairytale Thomas flew from the US to marry his sweetheart in Sahiwal. SAHIWAL: The United States embassy has requested special protection for US citizen Thomas Daniel, 35, who recently came to Pakistan to marry a Christian girl from Sahiwal. The couple had...
  11. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    The Chinese Are Coming

    The Chinese Are Coming Travelling across three continents, Justin Rowlatt investigates the spread of Chinese influence around the planet and asks what the world will be like if China overtakes America as the world's economic superpower. In the first of two films, he embarks on a journey...
  12. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Musharraf's former ADC found dead

    Musharraf's former ADC found dead Major (R) Tanvir's corpse was found in his residence. Police have started investigations to determine cause of death. PHOTO: FILE Major (Retired) Tanvir who remained ADC (aide – de – camp) to former President Pervez Musharraf was found dead in his...
  13. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Towards greater accountability

    Towards greater accountability The writer is a social scientist and author of Military Inc. ayesha.siddiqa@tribune.com.pk Thank God for some sharp opinion pieces like the one by Ejaz Haider, which drew attention to top military commanders and thus resulted in an equally sharp response...
  14. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Women can’t be trusted

    Women can’t be trusted sami.shah@tribune.com.pk Those western-imperialist-baby-eating-drone-flying-war-mongers are at it again. Tarnishing the image of this noble and pure nation of ours. Don’t they know that their propaganda cannot work here? That all their vile and blatant...
  15. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Pakistan’s General Problem

    Pakistan’s General Problem How Pakistan’s Generals turned the country into an international jihadi tourist resort http://openthemagazine.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/435by290/article_images/8407.pak-rot.jpg What is the last thing you say to your best general when ordering him...
  16. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Why do we fear a rising China?

  17. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Why do we fear a rising China?

    Why do we fear a rising China? It's hard to argue that the rise of China, taken on the whole, is anything but good for the global economy. New wealth for China's 1.3 billion people means 1.3 billion more people who can buy stuff from the rest of the world, creating jobs from American research...
  18. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    The world's most dangerous border

    The world's most dangerous border To reduce the risk of terror, the West must help defuse tension between India and Pakistan THE late Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration’s envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, had many virtues as a diplomat, but tact was not among them. His...
  19. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    Beatles fans ‘come together’ at T2F

    Beatles fans ‘come together’ at T2F KARACHI: Sunday night, T2F was wall to wall with Beatles fans. Teenagers in jeans and tees crowded reverently on bright blankets near the performers. Further back, an older cohort — those who were around when John, Ringo, George and...
  20. H2O3C4Nitrogen

    It's time to question bio-engineering

    It's time to question bio-engineering Paul Root Wolpe: It's time to question bio-engineering | Video on TED.com
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