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  1. Kiarash

    Iran accepted into BRICS

  2. Kiarash

    Iran tests Raafe space engine

    Hot out of the oven
  3. Kiarash

    Iran's Zafar Satellites

    Iran's Minister of Information and Communications Technology tweets: good snowy morning, by the effort of our young scholars Zafar 1 and Zafar 2 satellites have passed their tests successfully and will be sent to the space center to be put in orbit today. This satellite and satellite carrier and...
  4. Kiarash

    Maj Gen. Soleimani Cautions Pakistani Government

    "We have always offered Pakistan help in the region, but I have this question from the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbors and do you have any other neighbor left that you want to stir insecurity for ? Are you, who have...
  5. Kiarash

    Iran Inaugurates World's Largest Refinery

    Haters gonna hate! : The second phase of Iran’s Persian Gulf Star Refinery, known as the world’s largest gas condensate refinery, was launched in a ceremony in the country’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Thursday. Construction of the refinery started in 2006, but the project was delayed...
  6. Kiarash

    Iran launches production plant of stem cells

    No time to waste: Iran launches the first highly advanced mass production plant of stem cells products in West Asia. Read more on this significant achievement at: https://en.isna.ir/news/97020201050/First-stem-cell-factory-in-Iran-to-be-established-soon
  7. Kiarash

    Iran Mall

    Iran Mall, an all-Iranian monumental project slated to be one of the world's top five commercial and cultural complexes and the biggest in West Asia, is to have its first of the two phases launched soon. According to its developers who addressed a press conference on Sunday, the multi-purpose...
  8. Kiarash

    Nowruz 1397

    Happy Nowruz and I hope you like my selection
  9. Kiarash

    Iran beats US to win 2017 Freestyle World Cup

    Iran beats US to win 2017 Freestyle World Cup * File photo The Iranian men’s national freestyle wrestling team has claimed the top position at the end of the 2017 Freestyle World Cup in the western Iranian city of Kermanshah, after trouncing the American side in the title challenge. On...
  10. Kiarash

    Tragedy in Tehran

    Iran's oldest high-rise collapses after fire Iran's oldest high-rise in southern Tehran collapsed on Thursday morning following a major fire in the building, leaving dozens of people injured. The 17-story structure crumbled after the fire engulfed the top floors of the building in downtown...
  11. Kiarash

    Gen. Qassem Soleimani arrives in newly liberated East Aleppo

    Haj Qassem visiting the recently liberated E.Aleppo.
  12. Kiarash

    Iran appoints New Military Chief

    eader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has appointed Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri as the new Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces. In his decree on Tuesday, the Leader urged Baqeri to improve the defensive and security capabilities of the Armed Forces and...
  13. Kiarash

    Martyr Sardar Nazeri

    Gallant Sardar of Islam, Pride of Iran, and the vigilant Guardian of the Persian Gulf, Admiral Haj Mohammad Nazeri, Founder and Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy Special Forces, after 37 years of sincere and steadfast service to his religion and country has responded to his...
  14. Kiarash

    Gen. Soleimani and Pakistan's Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg

    Haj Qasem Soleimani, the former commander of the 41st SarAllah Division of Kerman and Pakistan's former Chief of Army Staff, General Mirza Aslam Beg , shake hands at Khorramshahr frontier. Iran Military
  15. Kiarash

    Operation Muharram- The Grand Revenge

    Major General Qasem Soleimani, the legendary commander of Quds Corps, delivers a speech to his warriors by the recently-liberated Grand Mosque of Al-Hader town,Aleppo, Syria. Seeing these paid terrorists as unworthy for a real war and respect, he still hasn't put on his military uniform.
  16. Kiarash

    Sardar Hamedani achieved the grace of Martyrdom

    Sardar of Islam, Brigadier General Haj Hussein Hamedani, an eminent commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, has responded to the call from his Lord and has achieved the most sublime grace of Martyrdom while visiting the front lines in Aleppo,Syria. Martyr Brig Gen. Haj Hussein...
  17. Kiarash

    Russian Warships Visits Iran

    Iran's 4th naval zone hosts Russian naval fleet A Russian naval fleet comprised of two warships [ two Buyan-class corvettes] entered Iranian territorial waters on Sunday and docked at the fourth naval zone of the Iranian Navy, according to Public Relations Department of the Navy. The...
  18. Kiarash

    Iran's 8th National C4I Conference

    The 8th National Conference of Iranian's Command, Control Communication, Computers and Intelligence (C4I-2014), Martyr Sattari University of Aeronautical Engineering
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