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  1. C

    Delhi rocks by Blasts

    Creating Hoax is wat intel agencies do best.Simmilar things occured in germany during hitlers rule, Nazis burned a building(reistag) and blamed it on communists.The japanese blasted a bomb in manchuria and blamed it on chinese,and used this incident to send troops into china.Sorry folks always...
  2. C

    Delhi rocks by Blasts

    There is no need blaming our neibhours,they face simmilar problem.This might be work of BJP,because 1.How the hell Modi know of the blasts in advance? 2.Who is benifited by such incidents?(Ans-BJP,as this adds fuel to their "hate muslim politics",now they can bag a lot of hindu votes,with Delhi...
  3. C

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

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