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  1. U.S Navy SEALs

    Which is the most Aesthetic 4th Gen Fighter Plane in your opinion?

    Alright take it easy everyone. The greatest 4th generation fighters without a doubt are the classics, the F-16 and MiG-29. There's no doubt that these fighters were the birth of a newer, more advance air warfare. So before you go ahead and smash the F-16 on how bad it is, think about this...
  2. U.S Navy SEALs

    VIDEO: Akash Missile Salvo and Ripple Firing Trials

    Wow, brilliant surface to air missile. Capabilities are more than exceptional. Hope this missile advances, and does well on the global defense market. Just goes to show what indigenous Indian production is capable of. Brilliant video, probably one of the best I've seen of missile interception.
  3. U.S Navy SEALs

    France hails India's selection of Rafale fighters as vote of confidence

    Lol, you got something against the Rafale? You've got no idea what you're talking about, and you have no real understanding about this underdog aircraft and it's capabilities. Hold up a better reason to troll. Your post was completely senseless, obviously you're jealous your country isn't being...
  4. U.S Navy SEALs

    Why does our Navy fail so horribly?

    A defeatist statement from a foreigner like me? A bit rash don't you think? I think you're clearly forgetting this is a public forum, i'm not stopping them, but pointing out the obvious.
  5. U.S Navy SEALs

    CVRDE to develop stealth battle tanks to power Army

    Hahaha, i love how the Indian members on this forum all take it as the biggest joke. No one's even had a serious post about this haha.
  6. U.S Navy SEALs

    Why does our Navy fail so horribly?

    Why would China need you to jointly develop a SSBN? They've proven themselves capable of indigenously developing them. You can't provide China with technology it already doesn't have. Better yet, why do you need a SSBN? One of the previous posts already mentions that you're land based missiles...
  7. U.S Navy SEALs

    Turning Blue water Navy : Indian Navy to induct over 90 fighting platforms

    You're the most ignorant pathetic excuse for a life, your country could only wish this submarine was offered at Russia's disposal for you. Akula II is a second class submarine?
  8. U.S Navy SEALs

    ANA and on track and reaches 195,000 target, Defense Ministry says

    America is doing a fantastic job at colonizing the Afghan National Army - quickly too. Being trained by the finest of course.
  9. U.S Navy SEALs

    Chinese Small Arms: Pictures, Videos, and Descriptions

    JS05 looks nice, and statistically information on it? Such as the rate of fire, ammo feed system. I don't care what people say about Chinese guns, if you can equip the largest army in the world with a gun like QBZ-95 weapon system, you know you're packin' real heat.
  10. U.S Navy SEALs

    Agni V Discussions

    This is one of the most irrelevant posts I've ever seen. Yeah real funny, hope it made you laugh, I'm glad i made you happy. From all the abuse you've grown up with and get even i pity you. Report my post? Go ahead. I said nothing invalid. A curry Joke? Good one, i'm sure no one's heard of that...
  11. U.S Navy SEALs

    Agni V test failed.

    Agni V is clearly not made for the range of Pakistan you pathetic excuse for a troll.
  12. U.S Navy SEALs

    Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

    I don't understand why Indians need to put a BrahMos on every damn thing that comes into their possesion. Don't get me wrong BrahMos is an excellent cruise missile, possibly the best of its kind, but THERE IS NO NEED to install it on a slim 5th Generation jet fighter. It taints its excellent...
  13. U.S Navy SEALs

    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    I personally love the design of the helicopter, and so on. But as one person posted out that the design changed several times through the course of the program. Before this enters production, let's say in 2014-15 realistically, will the design change? Will it become more stealthier? Will they...
  14. U.S Navy SEALs

    IAF mirage crashed

    Are these the upgraded Mirages being crashed? I thought the Mirages were sent to France to be modernized...why is the IAF flying them?
  15. U.S Navy SEALs

    govt to cut defence spending?

    A $32 billion dollar defense budget that's supposedly dropping is nothing in comparison with India's vast and growing economy. I don't even know, really, how a $32 billion dollar budget is able to maintain, and acquire some of the best technology for its armed forces.
  16. U.S Navy SEALs

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Congratulations India, you undoubtedly in the future will pose a great threat in Asia for other Asian nations. Probably the best air force in all of Asia in a few years. It's amazing, a country that culturally hasn't changed in 5,000 years competing in the world for the better of the nation.
  17. U.S Navy SEALs

    Ever Growing List of Indo-US Defense Deals

    Someone get this little annoying sht out of here please, report him. I can't even read the posts properly without seeing one of his idiotic nonsense.
  18. U.S Navy SEALs

    Decision on combat aircraft within fortnight + Other news

    Right, so you're uneducated and have nothing better to do than troll. Get a life. This deal needs to go through, it seems like it will only be decided past the year 2012 now. That's a shame, waiting to see which contractor bags the largest defence deal in Asia.
  19. U.S Navy SEALs

    No, China does not have 3000 nuclear weapons.

    Why would you need 3,000 Nuclear weapons anyways? Sounds pretty incompetent to me. High mantainence, you get nothing accomplished with 3,000 nuclear weapons that you cant get accomplished with 300-500.
  20. U.S Navy SEALs

    China's latest "Feng Ren," UAV

    It looks like a technology demonstrator tbh.
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