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  1. IbnAlwaled

    Saudi Execute 18 Iranians

    Saudi officials in the eastern city of Dammam have reportedly executed 10 more Iranian citizens following the earlier execution of eight Iranian sailors at the same prison in mid-April. Quoting an Iranian prisoner, who is currently jailed in Dammam, the Persian-language Tabnak news website...
  2. IbnAlwaled

    Syria rebels kill Assad's Defense Minister, brother-in-law near Damascus

    Syria rebels kill Assad's Defense Minister, brother-in-law near Damascus Al-Jazeera cites rebel leaders as saying that Free Syrian Army special forces kill Defense Minister Rajiha and former head of military intelligence Assef Shawkat; Syria TV says alleged casualties officials call in to deny...
  3. IbnAlwaled

    9 Pakistanis Convicted Of Underage Sex Trafficking

    LONDON — Nine men of Pakistani and Afghan descent were convicted Tuesday of luring girls as young as 13 into sexual encounters using alcohol and drugs, in a case that has heightened racial tensions in Britain and stirred protests among the far right. The five victims who shared their...
  4. IbnAlwaled

    Iran's Strategy

    Iran's Strategy For centuries, the dilemma facing Iran (and before it, Persia) has been guaranteeing national survival and autonomy in the face of stronger regional powers like Ottoman Turkey and the Russian Empire. Though always weaker than these larger empires, Iran survived for three...
  5. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt foiled ‘Iranian’ plot to kill Saudi ambassador in Cairo: embassy advi

    Egypt foiled ‘Iranian’ plot to kill Saudi ambassador in Cairo: embassy advisor Egyptian security services arrested three Iranians for allegedly plotting to kidnap and murder Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Cairo, Ahmed Abdel Aziz al-Qattan, three months ago, a legal advisor at...
  6. IbnAlwaled

    US-Pakistan: Who needs whom more?

    Nice discussion on the future Pakistan-US relations? I think the US has pushed Pakistan far enough. At least for now, Pakistan needs to be in good terms with US government until the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then Pakistan should support to overthrow of the puppet government in...
  7. IbnAlwaled

    China’s military rise

    Asia's balance of power China’s military rise There are ways to reduce the threat to stability that an emerging superpower poses NO MATTER how often China has emphasised the idea of a peaceful rise, the pace and nature of its military modernisation inevitably cause alarm. As America...
  8. IbnAlwaled

    China’s military rise

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