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    US withdraws negotiators from Pakistan, no supply deal

    Friend, American ego does not allow that they want something and cant get it... that too from Pakistan which it considers as someone USA has been funneling aid into since 1947..
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    Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

    Does this post have anything to do with the topic.. Too many self appointed judges on this forum :lol:
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    Siachen – Bravery Beyond Compare

    Somehow I find it funny that Pakistanis always blame the failure of their military (1965, longewala, dhaka, kargil, siachen) on bad planning. As if planning is supposed to be done by someone else and the military is just supposed to go a do a testosterone loaded fight and kill other soldiers...
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    India emerging as a major military power

    About the author Eric Margolis Nuff Said :lol:
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    Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

    Arent they Canadian citizens now??
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    US describes India as a responsible N-state

    A small part of it was done by Pakistan when it allowed Amreeka to operate bases within Pakistan and allowed it to proliferate CIA and private defence contractors with its sovereign (:) ) borders. Along with 10 years of using Pakistan as a transport route to supply NATO forces in Afghanistan
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    Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

    but the numbers say that the violence in 2012 q1 is same if not worse than 2011 average, which in turn was more than 2010..Which actually is contradictory to the claim of Security forces being able to erase this menace..
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    Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

    :lol: Pakistanis are pretty quick to disown their own to avoid an unpleasant situation.. it was same 12 years back.. and same now..
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    Black Hawk down Four killed in Afghanistan

    Then that should give Indians the right to rejoice the deaths of 140 of your jawans in the recent Siachen avalanche ?? Then why the hissy fits on such comments appearing on sites like BR, and other India defence sites ??? Hypocrisy much ?
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    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Head in the sand | DAWN.COM EXTERNALISATION of threats remains a core flaw in Pakistan’s internal security approach. The security establishment, policymakers and opinion-makers and most of society badly suffer from this fallacy, which merely affords them an escape from responsibility but no...
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    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Proof..?? As they say ....Put up or shut up :)
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    Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

    Complicated comments are generally a result of one.. Simple mind that is ;) India is closer to Pakistan than England or Canada now.. Innit ? Dawn is now part of Indian press ?? :rofl: :rofl:
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    Pakistan: Forced faith or force of faith

    The GOd/Divine power and its presence was known from Day 1.. Its only the Messenger of God business that happened in last 2000 years..
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    Pakistan: Forced faith or force of faith

    Its not an Indian who has written the article.. Read it.. It is not bad.. Dont react to the topic of the article
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    Pakistan: Forced faith or force of faith

    I dont agree.. Conversion is a choice that should be allowed to all.. Its the forced conversions that are allegedly rampant in Pakistan that is the reason of such issues.. Its like difference between consensual sex and rape.. To prevent rape, you wont ban sex.. :D
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    Pakistan: Forced faith or force of faith

    Forced faith or force of faith? | DAWN.COM Three females from Hindu families appeared before Pakistan’s Supreme Court this week in a case involving their alleged abduction and forced conversion to Islam. When the young women were asked in private proceedings whether they had been abducted...
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    Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

    :lol: when you have nothing left to say (except off topic nonsense that you normally resort to :) ), you try and discredit the source.. Never saw you taking this line when you guys fall over each other posting from that dude Riaz Haq's or Zaheerul hasan's blogs :rofl: And based in UK you are...
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    Pakistan may not be able to service its debt next year

    No.. Not ok :) Where did you get these Pakistani brain farts from ?
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    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Terrorism is terrorism.. whether it takes the form of TTP or BLA or Ethnic cleansing of Shias and Ahmadiyas.. And lahore blasts, I was referring to the ones 2 years back
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