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  1. P

    Bangladesh has never won an Olympic Medal

    I hope this time it will be different and BD gets one. Bangladesh is the largest nation to never win a medal, but it has four athletes in London - Yahoo! Sports
  2. P

    C-17 Lands at wrong airport

    Now here is a great way to end your flying career in the military Air Force cargo plane departs Davis Islands airport | TBO.com video of actual landing...oops..... Craziest thing I've ever seen. C-17 lands at wrong airport. Not an airbase. #Tampa #MacDill #Screwedpilots
  3. P

    Embarrassment as Chinese frigate runs aground

    Oops some poor chap will be getting court martialed. http://www.smh.com.au/world/embarrassment-as-chinese-frigate-runs-aground-20120713-220r8.html

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