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  1. egolfs

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Come on guys, please, let's stay on topic.
  2. egolfs

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    Turkey was under attack; financially, politically, Geo-politically and Militarily by its allies. Purchasing the S-400 system was not Turkey's first choice, at the time, it was her only choice . The Americans were still going to embargo Turkey, even if she didn't buy the S-400. Perhaps, political...
  3. egolfs

    T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

    Sorry , I just copy pasted for the other forum member( as requested).
  4. egolfs

    T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

    T129 ATAK Statement by the Philippine Defense Ministry The Philippines Ministry of Defense official made statements on the Philippine Air Force's T129 ATAK Assault and Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopter supply program. Philippines Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana told press members on...
  5. egolfs

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    This also applies in reverse: If Turkey didn't have any proof to back her claims or if she were at fault, I doubt Turkey would be asking for an open apology!
  6. egolfs

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    The Egyptian Parliament has given Sisi permission to take any steps required in Libya. And our friend LienNoir replied "LOL since when Sisi need the parliament's accord ?"
  7. egolfs

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    "Price" is not everything. Turkey can provide UAVs to friendly countries that the USA or Europeans will not. Even if the Americans or Europeans do provide these vehicles today, there is no guarantee they will do so tomorrow and there is no way to be sure that parts or ammunition are not...
  8. egolfs

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Documentary of AKINCI ..with English subtitles.
  9. egolfs

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    The 5 engines that were delivered were specıfically provided to be used for the prototype TFX (not Hürjet).
  10. egolfs

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    A reassuring video about Cihat Yaycı
  11. egolfs

    UAE and Egypt negotiating surrender in Libya to Turkey

    @cabatli_53 Lots of off topic posts
  12. egolfs

    Which stop gap fighter would you prefer for TurAF?

    @UkroTurk The problem is that you have voted for each one of these, so in effect that is three votes - not very fair, is it?
  13. egolfs

    Is America really Turkey's FRIEND, or ENEMY?

    Is America really Turkey's FRIEND or ENEMY? Well, I'm sorry to say that this is not a binary choice. Turkey's interests may align with America's interests in one part of the world and they may clash in another part: If your interests align in one place, it doesn't mean that you are friends and...
  14. egolfs

    Which stop gap fighter would you prefer for TurAF?

    As far as I know The Eurofighter was designed originally as an air superiority fighter. So, as you can see, it was a pure bred dogfighter. Later, when flexibility was required, it was made into a multirole fighter.
  15. egolfs

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Interesting "titbit" in The Guardian newspaper: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/nov/27/revealed-uk-technology-turkey-rise-global-drone-power Funny how the west still cannot accept the huge advances made by Türkiye recently. One way or another, they had to be involved or responsible...
  16. egolfs

    Turkey considers Russian Su-57 or Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s

    He was obviously joking. Sometimes humour is a necessity while conducting warm, friendly, Foreign Relations.
  17. egolfs

    Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

    Unfortunately I think you are right. Ever since the Suez Canal debacle (when the UK and France were put in there place), I think the UK would follow the US over a cliff, if instructed to do so.
  18. egolfs

    If US refuses to supply F-35, Turkey will satisfy need elsewhere: Turkish FM

    If we can do one ....we can do the other too! In the meantime we can use helicopters and maybe UAVs......but right now we urgently need to secure our skies or at least let "people " know that we mean business.
  19. egolfs

    Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

    In terms of technology and economics, it makes sense to acquire the F-35. However, choosing the F-35 over the S-400 system comes with a much bigger cost than can be quantified by mere "dollars"($) - the loss of independence and the inability to be able to assert one's own sovereignty...
  20. egolfs

    Air Force secretary advocates for export control fixes amid concerns over Turkey | TheHill

    I don't understand why the U.S. keeps saying this....... the system has already been purchased - even though delivery of the S-400 will happen later. Even if the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) can be applied retroactively, it is wrong to suggest that Turkey has contravened any U.S...
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