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  1. blackeyes90

    Turkish Naval Programs

    To All Turkish Members ; Muster the Rohirrim :)
  2. blackeyes90

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Oversharing is an important issue and yes i aggre with you on that one. But i dont think bayraktar is like that German companies you mentioned.
  3. blackeyes90

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    I dıdnt say bayraktar was bad. I wanted to say that family should take the back seat and enjoy the benefits in the mean time they should let the professinals lead it.
  4. blackeyes90

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Well , first of all i didnt know that. But besides being a family company. It depends on how they run the company. I mean if CEO , CFO and other important company figures are family members that could be a trouble for future. But i dont think so. Thats the core problem with Turkish family...
  5. blackeyes90

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    of course it is . Nepotism and family business create chaos. And when the big partner die or resigns those companies often goes down the toilet because of infighting. Thats what i meant.
  6. blackeyes90

    Joe Biden’s foreign policy and Turkey

    Only if Biden wins the election in November which i very much doubt. There are tons of Americans that too scared or embrassed to talk to the poll workers that they still vote for Trump in November plus Much of Bernie people wont even vote for Trump. American election turnout is notoriously bad.
  7. blackeyes90

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    To say that Bayraktar is a professinal company is at best naive. Its a familty company. In the end how professional can they be ?
  8. blackeyes90

    Turkish Naval Programs

  9. blackeyes90

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    It has been reported that Turkish warship collided with Greek Elli clss Frigate Limnos. Minor damage reported by greeks.
  10. blackeyes90

    Turkish Engine Programs

    i cant see the photos bro.
  11. blackeyes90

    Featured South Korea Plans to Build Aircraft Carrier

    i know that. But the way he said made it epic for me.
  12. blackeyes90

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Cry me more . Let me feast on your tears ! Muhahahahaha :)
  13. blackeyes90

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    That news site called " keeptalkinggreece.com " and you are asking for an accurate news. Is that right ? o_O
  14. blackeyes90

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    This guy is damn troll cabatli you know this better then ı do. He twits childish stuff all the time. I cant stand that guy.
  15. blackeyes90

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Let me guess Camelguy is banned again :)
  16. blackeyes90

    Russia deploys MiG-29SMT combat jets and S-400 long range SAM in Libya to secure the oil

    That difficulty is called spine. And also not always. Remember Cuban Missile Crisis ? US handle that remarkably well.
  17. blackeyes90

    Turkish Naval Programs

    Drone i think.
  18. blackeyes90

    Çay Bahçesi

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