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    Turkey in Olympics - London 2012 - 2 Golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze

    iran in Olympics - London 2012 - 4 Golds, 5 silvers and 3 bronze Ranked Eleventh in world medal count at 2012/8/10
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    Iran's Space Program

    forgive him
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    Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

    inshallah God help you in this way .keep going
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    Republic of Azerbaijan calls Israel "Brother Country" & Oppresses Muslims

    where is our azery brother to answering this azery gov statement shame on you
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    Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

    Washintgon Times and their masters want seperation between azerbaijan iran and armenia . my Grandfather waz azery an my father speak azery to . armenia and azerbaijan must talk together and Drive out the Zionists
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    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    I as an Iranian, Turkish and Azerbaijani brothers i'm sorry because of (iran zamine)'s Bad behavior .Forgive each other and be brother. remember if We separate from each other . America and Israel, they laughed.
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    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    be respect to our turk brothers
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    Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

    The solution is that all people in India must have rule in their Country
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    Turkey's southeastern Semzinan district under PKK control

    Turkey Government , like America want to Share their mistake to others az they can not Destroy pkk like usa with taliban
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    Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

    Greetings to all freedom loving people
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    Turkey's southeastern Semzinan district under PKK control

    Press tv said only a small part brought under control. Turkey's army appears to be strong and they cant Destroyed pkk terorist for several years . why ? give me an answer?
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    6.6 just hit Northern Iran

    I have no specific comments
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    Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

    India and Pakistan should be together. Britain's colonial legacy is the difference between the two countries. their slogan :Throw divide and rule . I'm sorry for the two countries, both India and Pakistan to making trouble with each other
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    the Eternal ' Flight 655 iran air . and giving to the killer machine comander a brave medal for intercepting an airliner as f14
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    Six US soldiers killed by Afghans

    Greetings to the brave people of Afghanistan.
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    Are these Indian personalities as well know in Iran as this article claims?

    iranian are smart and they not pray for stone . This is a big lie and it seems to me that the author is Zionism . Iranians are in favor of world peace and oppose war seeking countries . i live in babol and we host many indian student they are good guys and we respect their religion
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    20,000 Muslims killed in Burma by police

    Myanmar Muslims suffering amid media blackout TEHRAN, July 25 (MNA) -- The suppression of the Rohingya Muslims in the Arakan region dates back to the World War II. On March 28, 1942, about 5,000 Rohingya Muslims were brutally massacred by the Rakhine nationalists in the Minbya and Mrohaung...
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    Massarce of Muslims by Burma/Myanmar state -- Rohingyas community massacre

    Iranian People Rally in Support of Myanmar Muslims TEHRAN (FNA)- A large number of Iranian people staged rallies in Tehran and other cities across the country in support of the Muslim minority in Myanmar as the oppressed community is experiencing daily massacre and attacks by the majority in...
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    Pak engineer makes car that runs on water

    good for start
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