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  1. C

    Russian nod for India’s bid to link south with central Asia

    Nod is one thing, but actually doing it is another. India has big plans that fail 90% of the time. I will believe it when I see the project ACTUALLY COMPLETED. Until then, all this is just hot air.
  2. C

    China satellite navigation starts services to Asia

    Decades behind the US? I highly doubt it. India to have its own navigation system in a few years? Impossible. Indian promises are worthless as pretty much all its projects are delayed or eventually cancelled (like Kaveri). The goal will be for around 2020, in reality it won't go up until 2035...
  3. C

    “Sharp Sword” UCAV rolled off the production line 13.12.2012

    Stop brining India into this.
  4. C

    China Economy Forum

    Chinese growth will be closer to 9% in 2013. Domestic consumption is now the main driver of the Chinese economy.
  5. C

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    :lol: Go read about the Korean War kid. Your fuzzy head will explode. It's actually the other way around, the US can bark all it wants, they know what a full scale war with the PLA means, they found it out the hard way in the Korean War. It is they that will NEVER go to war with China. Read...
  6. C

    Chinese scientists find evidence for speed of gravity

    Indians can't do anything but the first to dismiss and laugh at others that try....no wonder you're country is behind China and will continue to do so for the rest of this century.
  7. C

    China satellite navigation starts services to Asia

    We have something India don't have (and won't have for atleast 15-20 years if ever). All the other talk is irrelevant.
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