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  1. Narodnaya

    Greatest Eurasian Military Leaders

    here my take for past century. not to restrict post any century before anno domine or after in land mass of europa + asiya. Georgiy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896—1974) Brief history Hafez al Assad (1930—2000) Brief history Sam Manekshaw (1914—2008) Brief history
  2. Narodnaya

    If the World is a Classroom

    it is chinese joke originally in mandarin if you follow the source at end. here is for convnience freidn
  3. Narodnaya

    If the World is a Classroom

    The World is a classroom. United States is the Class president. China is the chairman. 1. United States, President. Good grades, upperclass. Most built in the class. Loves to fight, and bullies other students. Not alot of students stands up to him. His relationship with the Vice President...
  4. Narodnaya

    Russia says Assad ‘not bluffing’ about staying put

    of course not. it can never be wise to give in to their ways, even comprmise little spells dim prospect for peace. resolve and determination to not allow outside interference must remain strong, even a crack can turn to canyon if termites given their time
  5. Narodnaya

    Kerala Corner

    pardon my interuption but i have long considered visiting kerala here is popular for its beach life. the nature video is quite breathtaking as expected. hopefully one day, all the best friends
  6. Narodnaya

    News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

    think you have something against turtsiye. you will have this problem as long as nato stays in this region frontline for america to give pressure and put c.a.r in there influence. but violence and bitterness amongst people in region kavkaz and below is not answer, it serve nato purpose as they...
  7. Narodnaya

    Russia Ratifies Afghanistan Transit Deal With Italy

    afganistan has future so uncertain post 2014. will have to see how it plays out, but hopefully trouble does not start brewing like the past. thank you for article
  8. Narodnaya

    Miss Asia Pageant 2012, Indo-Russkiye place third

    personally the girl that came third was by far the most beautiful. but the pageant was held in chinese so probably bias toward east asian features. compared to the other models svetlana was more stunning put next to others, she clearly stands out
  9. Narodnaya

    Miss Asia Pageant 2012, Indo-Russkiye place third

    svetlana gulakova, the third place girl on right below, think is either mixed russiye and inde or went for study there. it shows india as won third place and she represent india so probably indo russkiye first, 1. Amy Chen Chinese Name : 陳彥蓉 Country : HK / Macau SAR Age ...
  10. Narodnaya

    Pakistani Fashion

    very nice. women of south asia re quite striking. thanks for pictures
  11. Narodnaya

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    Boris combat sheep russkiy
  12. Narodnaya

    Nice Pictures

    milford sound by trey ratcliff
  13. Narodnaya

    Russia to launch bioscience satellite

    have not looked into but can say such missions happned for long time and it is not experiment in sense you are thinking. no robotic tests or manipulate controls but rather some organism and preset conditions likely sent with monitoring devices to see reaction and development of its state in...
  14. Narodnaya

    Why wouldn't Chinese hate Japs?

    the past is past will you condemn present generations for the fight their ancestors had. do you see japan cutting relations and hating americans who did the most tragic disaster ofhuman history. no they get along and have even adapted each others culture. thats why they progressed. this part of...
  15. Narodnaya

    Kerry says 'a lot of countries' training Syria rebels

    things come full circle they supported al qaida in afghan war until soviet had to leave. now when they are about to leave they support al qaida again in other part of the world. they cannot sit calmly they are separated by vast ocean from eurasia why dont they go back. are not wanted here.
  16. Narodnaya


    thankyou for answering questions. what was the stance of the army during popular revolt which started arab spring couple years ago. were they part of establishmnt controled by ben ali, or neutral in the whole process? do they play more significant role now? and finally, happy with the elections...
  17. Narodnaya

    Russia increasing naval presence in middle east

    sorry could you please post a translated version, cant understand that language im guessing is bangladeshi. ive read articles about russiye presence in the middle east before though. its mostly centred around eastern med sea, to help syria as needed. there used to be time when the suez and red...
  18. Narodnaya

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    ive heard scenarios playd out where u.s. may eventually have to draw down its presence in east asia pacific consderably when resorces are muhc less. will be very grave for japan as russiya and china both have own designs for the islands. two three decades down line willbe very intresting...
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