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  1. Pyre

    Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

    The whole point is that they elect people to distribute this money into areas that serve the wider interest of the public. When that doesn't happen, society destabilizes (something not evident in America, it's a very stable place). When people start getting paranoid about where their money...
  2. Pyre

    Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

    No i don't think that actually. I find it more bizarre that someone would even say that. Terms such as 'waste of sperm' and 'dumbest species' tell me more about your emotionalism than they do about America.
  3. Pyre

    Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

    It's not that the masses are misinformed, it's that they're too busy. The American middle-class is one of the hardest working in the world. That's the issue here. People don't sit around twiddling their thumbs wondering about world politics. The only fuel that makes this machine run is a...
  4. Pyre

    The bionic soldiers of the future

    Cool post, and i agree completely. War is the father of progress. Darwin was right about this. In order for progress, there needs to occur some violent clash of wills or ideas or people or tribes or nations. Violence is the progenitor of life. Even human life, if you think about the delivery...
  5. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    Definitely, for sure. I think it's also possible that Indo-european men were predominantly dark-haired with minority of Red. And it could be argued that the main reason for blondism in Europe is a result of inter-marrying native European women and killing their men also (which resulted in the...
  6. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    Ahhh, interesting yes. I see what you mean now. It looks as though that seems to be the case, if the female offspring are displaying more of the traits of the original female population (native) and the male offspring are displaying more of the traits of the original male population...
  7. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    Well, Y-chromosomes naturally mutate over thousands of years/generations and they're discovering lately that this mutation occurs faster than most other genes, but the Y-dna is always traceable even after mutation. They aren't a huge portion of the overall genome, and seemingly don't have a...
  8. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    Family Tree DNA - India subcontinent DNA Project (incl. India, Pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Bhutan) Indian DNA project including Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, etc Family Tree DNA - Afghan-Pakistani DNA ProjectAfghan-Pakistani DNA project. This is raw Data, from Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans, after...
  9. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    This "study" is from 2000. That's virtually meaningless in 2013. Especially in subjects that are growing as rapidly as the genetic sciences.
  10. Pyre

    Bollywood actor Jiah Khan commits suicide

    Nah i don't lol, but im friends with a Pakistani girl, never in my life did i watch a Bollywood movie before, until she told me Ghajini, and i should watch. So when i did, really it's probably the best movie i've ever seen. Then she told me to watch Kal ho naa ho, and it was amazing too. So i...
  11. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    :lol: TRT...hopefully not too expensive.
  12. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    They know nothing about? I'm talking about DNA. Genetic evidence. Haplogroup R1 is indicative of Indo-European origins. This is not my opinion, go and look at any DNA analysis taken from subcontinental people. I'd ask you not to be so emotional, but clearly that is too much to ask of someone who...
  13. Pyre

    Thousands of Teen Girls In Love With Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

    No piece of land belongs to anyone on this earth except they who can conquer or defend it.
  14. Pyre

    Do international aerospace companies hire aero engineers from Pakistan

    They offer jobs to the best, nationality doesn't have anything to do with it. If you are genuinely confident in your skills and consider yourself one of the best, then sure.
  15. Pyre

    "Falcon" travels 13000MPH, Means Military could strike anywhere within hour

    What do you want America to do, give them a medal for hitting back? :lol: This is called nature. If you're the biggest baddest kid in the playground, guess what....You can treat people however you want, and if they fight you back (which will happen sometimes) then they will get crushed. Life...
  16. Pyre

    Bollywood actor Jiah Khan commits suicide

    Wow this was the main actress in Ghajini? Edit: omg Praise allah....i got her confused with Asin....thank god she isn't the one.
  17. Pyre

    “Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

    Yes it does make Australia part of British land, actually. Australia is not a republic. Technically we're still a British territory. That's why we have a Governor-general who still has exercisable political powers. Some of the worlds biggest consumers of "Israeli products" are Arab nations.
  18. Pyre

    Losses of Israel And Arabs in Wars After Creation of Israel

    Wish everyone would shut the hell up and start the next damn war already so we can work with some new data.
  19. Pyre

    Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

    Haplogroup R1b / R1a 50% of North indian men have direct Indo-european ancestry, same thing goes for Iran and Pakistan and other 'Aryan' descended peoples. Proto-indo-european religions/cultures share many common elements that can lead a people to greatness. Italic (Roman empire), Celtic...
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