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  1. TeesraIndiotHunter

    At least 68 dead in bridge collapse in western India

    :rofl: You owned him bruh. The ch*tiya is talking about Earthquakes (an act of God against which there's hardly any defense) while forgetting that the largest-ever man-made disaster in South Asia was Bhopal Gas Leak. It killed and injured tens of thousands of people. It was the worst industrial...
  2. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Hindus worried as Bangladesh witnesses ripple effects of Delhi riots

    This website is famously RAW-run fake news site. Lol. EU report exposed it. Admins, close this thread.
  3. TeesraIndiotHunter

    The rule of law in countries around the world (2020)

    Lol, imagine making a ranking where India has more rule of law than industrialized, high-income Turkey or China
  4. TeesraIndiotHunter

    India’s attempt to provoke China over Da Cui Yun ship incident must be countered

  5. TeesraIndiotHunter

    India’s attempt to provoke China over Da Cui Yun ship incident must be countered

    Sino-Pak naval forces should escort ships in international shipping lanes. Sadly, india can not stop the industrial and military capacity building of Pakistan--which is giving nightmares to backward indians now. Especially after Pakistan dominated and humiliated indian air force last year via...
  6. TeesraIndiotHunter

    The picture that will represent the Delhi riots for me

    What is there to be 'attacked' anymore? :lol: india is a broken into pieces, caged, restricted landmass with no strategic use. 16% Muslims in 1947 got 24% of Indian landmass. And that 24% of the landmass included the most strategic landmass of indian subcontinent which controlled access to...
  7. TeesraIndiotHunter

    The picture that will represent the Delhi riots for me

    Lol stfu you imbecile :lol::lol: Pedantic idiots like you literally kill the entire vibe of the forum. Wada aya Professor
  8. TeesraIndiotHunter

    The picture that will represent the Delhi riots for me

    While Pakistan is enjoying PSL, ISI is literally burning Delhi to the ground. Wonderful optics :D Not to mention, Delhi riots have been branded as Hindu violence against minority Muslims already. World media reported it as such all over the world (and rightfully so). Hindu right wings be mad...
  9. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    God speed to the Turkish Army!! May Allah bless our Muslim brothers fighting the scum of the Earth Assadist forces and their backers (Russia). Iran has legitimate interests in Syria---Turkey should respect that ONLY if Iran agrees to cooperate with Turkey and remove the butcher Assad (Replace...
  10. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Pakistan conducted successful flight test of Air Launched Cruise Missile “Ra’ad-II”.

    Pakistani fighter jets flying hundreds of kilometers inside Pakistan can launch devastating strikes on New Delhi or even Mumbai. ZABARDAST!
  11. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Bangladeshi Nationals attack border outpost in Meghalaya

    Now even Bangladeshis are launching surgical strikes on india? :lol: Pakistan Air Force's bombardment and humiliation of india really opened the gates of everyone to come and exploit the weak, defenseless india (as it has been the case since forever). Bangladeshis might make border regions of...
  12. TeesraIndiotHunter

    "Alif" reminded me of an iconic ancient Pakistani music video

    These are such amazing songs man. The sheer quality is insaaaane compared to what Pakistan's new sifarshi singers produce today. The last decent song I heard from Pak was Tajdar-e-Haram and Simmi Meri Var from coke studio. That's about it
  13. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

    Well, its maybe bc Ababeel uses the tried and tested missile base of Shaheen-II/Shaheen III----with modifications in the warhead design and PBV (which can be tested without actual firing tests). Just a hypothesis
  14. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Turkish army Leopard 2 and M60 Sabra tanks arrived in Idlib

    Turkey really needs Altay tanks deployed in decent numbers. Hopefully in the next 1-2 years, Altay will be ready to go with the Turkish land forces. Turks are lucky to have Erdogan at the helm because he takes a personal interest in Turkish defense industrial complex
  15. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Lt Gen (r) Kidwai warns India not to take Pakistan's nuclear capability as a 'bluff'

    :lol::rofl::lol: Yup....we humiliated india worldwide, bombed their military targets, and shot down their jets without sustaining a single loss on our end (while india lost men, material, and prestige). And guess what? coward Modi crawled back in his hole and didn't dare to escalate further...
  16. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Leading German politician calls on France to share its nuclear deterrence

    Pakistan-Turkey should share nuclear deterrence :D Meh, I know I know....Pakistan is not in any position to do that yet. Too weak economically, politically, and militarily to project this sort of geopolitical alignment on world stage.
  17. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Europe's newest and deadliest MBT T-90M enters serial production

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: So you have not taken a single class ever in Russian history? Makes sense.
  18. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Europe's newest and deadliest MBT T-90M enters serial production

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Brits have always seen themselves as Europeans. Stop typing while high on cocaine
  19. TeesraIndiotHunter

    Europe's newest and deadliest MBT T-90M enters serial production

    :lol: Yeah okay. Btw, read Russian history someday? Russian identity has been forged in *patricularly* non-European self-imagination. Russians don't see themselves as 'Europeans' Its akin to saying "oh Pakistanis are Indians" in the year 2300. Umm yeah okay, best of luck with that lmao...
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