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  1. New Resolve

    Why India is scared and wants to sabotage CPEC..? Reason

    Their sentiments swing between being Scared to outright Jealousy.
  2. New Resolve

    Indian media and its lies...

    Sad part is that the few people who question the lies are dubbed as anti state and traitors. It looks like real dictatorship now with just a label of democracy.
  3. New Resolve

    Australian Army cricket team bust into moves at Wagah border

    Modi Fail Report Card: Achay Din: Fail SirJiKul: Fail Isolation: Fail
  4. New Resolve

    Australian army cricket team members dancing @wahga

    Great to see, its such a dark chapter in paks history when the SL team got attacked. Something like that must never be allowed to happen again, than you Raheel Sharif.
  5. New Resolve

    Archaeologists find battle site where Romans breached Jerusalem walls

    Actually the Jews gave the Romans a bloody nose initially which was quite a feat considering Rome was the super power of its time, eventual result was always going to go in Romes favour considering the sheer size and might of the empire even with a twat like Nero in power.
  6. New Resolve

    Imran unveils ‘occupy Islamabad’ plan

    SC should just kick out NS, he is corrupt with massive wealth hidden overseas.
  7. New Resolve

    India Asks Arms Makers to Be Ready to Produce at Short Notice as Tensions with Pakistan Heat Up

    They really need 5th Generation Cameras so they can film the next Episode of SirJiKul.
  8. New Resolve

    LOL Indian media releases the "secret audio clip" from the "surgical strike"

    This reflects very poorly on the indians, credibility not only lost, its in the negative. Even Russians have abandoned them.
  9. New Resolve

    LOL Indian media releases the "secret audio clip" from the "surgical strike"

    In addition Modi Gov has refused to release our pigeons unless Chandu is released in return. Indeed they hold all the cards.
  10. New Resolve

    Life and death countdown begins for Asia Bibi

    Compassion can also be a good thing, she has been in jail for a very long time, let her go.
  11. New Resolve

    Humour ideally describes Indian attitude on borders

    Hilarious and very apt.
  12. New Resolve

    Tail Choppers to re-equip with JF-17

    Good to see another squadron being raised. We need to raise 1 every year to keep a healthy replacement rate going for old F7 and Mirages.
  13. New Resolve

    Native Americans Protest Columbus Day

    Columbus did not discover America the Vikings did.
  14. New Resolve

    Will 30Oct Islamabad lock down lead Marshall Law?

    Itll be one hell of a show-down this time around, i think it will come down to which way the establishment leans.
  15. New Resolve

    China to top the world in obese youth by 2025

    One child policy doesnt help, kids are pampered and spoilt.
  16. New Resolve

    Today is the soft launch of Punjab Safe City Project.

    didnt we just see a video of some thug firing on a lahore street the other day. Too much corruption and nepotism, no amount of CCTV can fix that.
  17. New Resolve

    Surgical strike was just a land grabbing farce

    Was Chandu lost in this lame attempt or did he try to do an Amita Bachan and take on PA himself.
  18. New Resolve

    Surgical strikes: Ignore Pak claims, but Indians deserve to know the truth

    With the whole SirJiKul saga, they realized which way the wind was blowing and decided their bollywood productions arnt going to cut it and it will become another joke like PigeonGate, better not release this box office flop.
  19. New Resolve

    Dasti sees Jewish conspiracy in anti-rape, anti-honor killing bills

    Havent heard from this clown in a while, nice to see he's popped his head up again.
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