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  1. Azog

    Dr. Yasmin Rashid Acquitted in Corps Commander house attack

    This is huge There is no evidence at all
  2. Azog

    Is General Asim Munir ready?

    The army has ruled Pakistan for majority of the time through hybrid or martial law. We are a failed nation because of them yet they are untouchable. They have artificially created parties, dismantled them. All the leaders are manufactured in Pindi hence a broken country, shambolic democracy...
  3. Azog

    Puppet Prime minister shahbaz sharif called another NSC meeting tomorrow

    Maybe Ban on PTI and military trial of Imran Khan?
  4. Azog

    6 security personnel martyred in attack on Hungarian-owned oil site in Hangu

    no accountability of the Pakistan Army. like or not, the casualty rate of Indian Army is low in IOK. They have done a great job whereas it is a daily news in Pakistan of soldiers being butchered
  5. Azog

    Two Soldiers embraced Shahadat in Tank area, KPK.

    https://tribune.com.pk/story/2418188/six-security-personnel-martyred-after-militants-storm-energy-plant-in-hangu no accountability at all of the Pakistan Army, soldiers getting slaughtered like animals
  6. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Imran Khan’s desperation for election had led to his downfall. Targeting Establishment continuously will never be accepted by the status quo , Imran was forced to disown the violent protesters still no avail. Army doesn’t give a **** anymore about human rights or constitution. They want...
  7. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    one thing is for sure is that Imran will not run like bagora Sharif to another country. I don’t see him winning the war against establishment.
  8. Azog

    Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

    Asim Munir will forever be disgraced for burning the country to save his job.
  9. Azog

    Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

    Army has nowhere to hide after SC judgement. it was one of the most powerful judgement against the Army by the supreme court.
  10. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Establishment made sure IK died a political martyr for many if doesn’t come to power, he will never do a deal to run away from Pakistan like Nawaz Sharif(twice), Musharaf and Benzair Bhutto
  11. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    At least shows us a right direction by implementing wholesome reforms in all sectors. The system can not continue as usual. It’s a flop system with bureaucracy, ecp and Judiciary being bankrupt in terms of capacity and competency.
  12. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    I expect more bloodshed in future if Pakistan‘s system as a whole can not improve with or without IK. There is always a tipping point. Can‘t rule out Sharia qanoon movement by religious nutjobs to eradicate this evil imf influenced system.:cheesy: establishment needs to act quick otherwise...
  13. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    The only way Pakistan Army can restore their honor and discredit IK is by changing the fortune of Pakistan. I see 0% of that happening. Pakistan Army will continue to be humiliated and blamed for Pakistan being a failed system. No delay in election, ban of PTI , disqualification or arrest can...
  14. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    I think people are fed up with the police state system that has existed for over 70 years. The whole system has collasped. All blames must go to establishment for leading Pakistan to this point.
  15. Azog

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Rangers should have not been used to arrest Imran Khan at all. They should be the last resort if Imran Khan had shown resistance. really poor visuals, and expected response from protesters.
  16. Azog

    Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

    IK is a creation of a failed system that existed before him. Army and older politicians are responsible for this. Dysfunctional state
  17. Azog

    Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

    damn some resistance from PTI folks
  18. Azog

    Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

    read this part again of the order It is the constitutional duty of the Federation, in terms of clause (3) of Article 148, “to ensure that the Government of every Province is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution”. There can be no doubt that this duty includes ensuring...
  19. Azog

    Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

    Goverment and Army can't refuse election commission Article 220 220 Executive authorities to assist Commission, etc. It shall be the duty of all executive authorities in the Federation and in the Provinces to assist the Commissioner and the Election Commission in the discharge...
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